Want to supersize your manhood but feeling confused and undecided about which Bathmate pump to choose? You can easily select from three outstanding ranges of Bathmate penis pumps known as Hydro, HydroMax, and HydroXtreme.
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Let’s dive into these Bathmate Penis Pumps and find out which one is the perfect fit for you in terms of fit and pressure.
What is the Hydro Series by BathMate and the models it offers?

The Bathmate series of hydro pumps are scientifically potent penile-lengthening devices that work dramatically best for expanding the size of the penis, giving you extraordinary erections and amplified sexual stamina. The Hydro Series Bathmate devices are simple and easy-to-use penile vacuum pumps that effectively build larger penis sizes effortlessly. This series of penile pumps are specially designed for beginners who want to have a first-hand experience with these penile-pumping devices. This series of hydro pumps are efficient devices for newbies who are willing to enlarge their penile size but want to start with a basic and simple-to-use pump. This Bathmate Hydro Series of penile pumps follows the basic techniques of using a hydro pump and presently the Hydro Series consists of only one model and that is Hydro 7.
The Hydro 7 is devised ideally for men whose penile lengths are between 5 and 7 inches long when completely erect. The Hydro7 is crafted to suit the majority of users who are newbies and are new to the world of hydro pumps. This hydro pump was created in the year 2006 as it was named as the Bathmate Hercules for becoming the game-changing device in the domain of penis pumps. Established on the unique water-based design, Hydro7 gave more effective results than any other penile-lengthening device and was the first water-based penis pump.
This device is a clinically proven penile pump for long-lasting improvements in sexual stamina and potency. It helps the users to attain better erections and increased sexual stamina. This is a certified and clinically approved skin-safe product that comprises an originally developed hydro pump that is made up of Polycarbonate Vessel and is Bisphenol-A tested. This Bathmate product is gentle to use but works effectively to maximize the size of your penis.
This penile pump is based on the primary suction technique which is highly convenient and also safe. Hydro7 can be used when you are in the shower or taking your bath, as you just have to fill the device with water and attach the pump to your penis while pressing down to produce a vacuum. When the penis pump is over your penis and it gets surrounded by water, a vacuum is created which puts pressure all over the penis while you are in your shower and this tension heightens the blood circulation. This constant pressure and gentle tension and amplified blood circulation all over your penis help to make your penis bigger over time. This hydro pump device has a valve attached to it to create the pressure of a vacuum which is safely regulated.
To use this penile pump correctly one should follow the given steps:
- Firstly, one should let the cylindrical portion of your Hydro7 pump be filled with water and then insert your flaccid penis into the cylinder while pressing the Bathmate against the groin to nicely lock it.
- Next, gently pump Hydro 7 which will exert pressure over the penis in the cylinder and it will elevate the blood flow towards the penis thereby helping the penis to get bigger.
- After that keep on pumping until no more water is seeping out of the end of Hydro 7 which implies that maximum pressure has been exerted over your penis.
- Remain in this position for around 5 to 6 minutes and after that open the quick-release valve. This procedure can be repeated three more times.
This penis pump is available in 3 different colors for you to select from and you will also be qualified to avail the 60-day risk-free money-back guarantee if you buy Bathmate direct, exclusively from its official website and only validated online platform..
Who is Hydro7 for and does it increase length?
Bathmate Hydro7 is devised for average-sized users whose penis length is around 5 to 7 inches and up to 6.5 inches girth. This Bathmate Series of penile pumps is suited for users who are new to penis pumps and hence are considered a beginners series. This is a fantastic device that is a top choice that works gently on beginners and puts mild vacuum pressure on first-time users.
Hydro7 does increase the length of the penis and corrects erectile issues. With regular usage, one will gain maximum noticeable gains in penile size.
Are the results of Hydro7 permanent?
The penile-maximizing results of Hydro7 are promising as stated by surveys, for one to experience long-term sexual improvement you must use it regularly and follow the instructions religiously.
How long does it take for Hydro7 to work?
Hydro7 is a gentle yet efficient penile pump that delivers fast and long-lasting gains. One should use it regularly to achieve noticeable improvements in penile size within more or less one month’s time.
This penis-pumping device takes about one month of regular use to help develop a noticeably huge-sized penis and intense sexual power and stamina.
Book your BathMate Hydro Series Now from its Official Website.
What is the HydroMax by BathMate and the models it offers?

HydroMax is one of the most powerful Bathmate penis pump series as it is crafted for different groups of people depending on their manhood sizes. This series of penis-pumping devices is designed for intermediate users who want to enjoy greater sexual power, performance, and confidence. This series of Bathmate penile-lengthening devices are most popular as they are created to develop amplified penis sizes along with elevated sexual strength and lasting power of erections. This series of hydro pumps is an upgraded range of penile pumps that adds more strength to the original series of hydro pumps of Bathmate as these are loaded with 35% extra power and more performance-enhancing properties to improve your sexual abilities.
The Bathmate Hydromax series of penile pumps are convenient to use as these hydro pumps are more effortless to use in various ways. This range of hydro pumps is specially designed to fit every size of the user as this series of devices even suits the user having a small penis size and helps him to gain optimum results. This is an excellent and most sought-after series of hydro pumps that is conveniently designed for providing maximum sexual improvement and optimal safety along with comfort. The Hydromax series of hydro pumps are made out of skin-safe materials which denote that these penile pumps are completely safe and are hypoallergenic which suits all skin types.
Bathmate Hydromax is clinically approved and is widely used by millions of users with a high satisfaction rate. This range of hydro pumps works in the same suction method as it starts increasing blood flow to the penis when the penis is inserted in the pump and the vacuum starts working on it. All the Bathmate Hydromax pumps are made up of certified skin-safe material with super-flow latch valve, with quick release technology and created out of Polycarbonate vessel and Bisphenol A tested.
The Bathmate Hydromax series of penis pumps are crafted with more power which promises greater results. All of the hydro pumps in this series are powered with a unique and completely New Bellows System with additional strength and durability and 35% extra potency while increasing flexibility. This range of penis pumps is convenient to use and provides a more amplified suction with your hydro pump. This latest bellows system is longer and has fewer internal curves and edges which enhance the comfort level of this series of hydro pumps. Moreover, this range of penile pumps has been equipped with a highly soft comfort pad which is hugely advantageous. This pad produces a firmer, more comfortable clincher against the body, which reduces suction loss and simultaneously lessens the amount of pumping needed.
Together with the snug and soft outer edge of the comfort pad, there is a strong inner tube that stops your penis from touching the bellows while assisting in avoiding the possibility of your testicles getting inside the hydro pump. This easy comfort pad is entirely removable for appropriate, hygienic cleaning.
Furthermore, this series of Hydromax penis pumps is well-equipped with an advanced and well-built valve that controls the flow of water out of the hydro pump. This is an added advantage that heightens the convenient levels of the pump as users can shut the valve while filling the pump, restricting water from seeping out. This additional aspect enhances the user’s comfort as it makes it easier for one to fill the Bathmate single-handedly, thereby making the entire process of penis pumping all the more effortless and enjoyable. This newly-created valve also withholds pressure for longer durations which averts your tendency to over-pump and maximizes penis-enlarging results.
The Bathmate Hydromax penis pumps are packed with a metric and imperial measuring guide that enables you to track the gains you have attained after using the pumps regularly. The clearly marked measuring guide helps you get to know about the minute gains in your penile length and track your progress discreetly.
The Bathmate Hydromax penis pumps are available in 5 unique design types and let’s have a look into the different models of this range of hydro pumps:

- HydroMax 3 – this hydro pump is specially crafted for users who are noticeably smaller than average. This penis pump is created for penile length of 1 to 3 inches and girth of up to 6 inches. This Hydromax3 is the first penis pump specially developed for those who are sized below average, as this hydro pump brings you real change in your sex life. This small-sized penis pump provides a powerful pump to below-average penis size and works tremendously well towards increasing the length of your sexual organ which measures below 3 inches when fully erect.
Hydromax3 is the first-ever smallest pump that really magnifies your penis size to an unbelievable length and provides you longer-lasting and better-quality erections as well as raised sexual confidence and enhanced sexual stamina. With a convenient design, this hydro pump designed for small penis sizes are a sure-shot size enhancer.
- HydroMax 5 – this pump is ideally for penises measuring up to 5 inches when erect and this device works swiftly in building up long-lasting gains especially when combined with a jelquing routine. This is a proven sexual power enhancer that provides long-lasting improvement and helps you to get bigger and stronger erections and amplified sexual stamina and gives you 92% user satisfaction.
This penis pump is an ideal hydro pumping device and most recommended for users who have a below-average penis size that measures around 5 inches or less than that when fully erect. Produced with a potent water-based design, Hydromax5 provides really fast and lasting results. This is the best-selling device that gives up to 92% satisfaction and assured real results and is backed by a risk-free money-back guarantee, but note that you will only be eligible to qualify for the guarantee only when purchase from BathMate Direct Official Website.
Hence, Hydromax5 is crafted to deliver great sexual improvements in men having penises measuring up to 5 inches when erect and encourages fantastic sexual performance in men whose erections range between 3 to 5 inches.
- HydroMax 7 – this particular pump is suitable for penis lengths 5 and 7 inches or average-size users. This is a sought-after and popular hydro pump as it fits perfectly well for most users. Users having penile lengths of 5-7 inches and girth up to 6.5 inches can use this hydro pump comfortably. This is the most best-selling Hydromax penile pump that not only suits most customers but also delivers astounding sexual enhancing results.
Hydromax7 gives you more sexual stamina, amazing erection quality, and amplified sexual vigor and confidence. According to surveys conducted, 92% of users of Hydromax7 are extremely happy with the incredible results, and also with a marked improvedment in stamina. Hence, this Bathmate pump promises visible and lasting results when used for the stipulated time period, as this is 35% more potent and effective than the original Bathmate hydro pumps.
Hydromax7 is an upgraded version of the original Bathmate Hercules, but this hydro pump is supreme in hydro pumping technology as it combines efficacy with comfort very capably helping you to gain the maximum size effortlessly. This is a uniquely designed and advanced penis pumping system that offers a novel soft-sealing along with complete support easy-to-wear ring that minimizes pressure when you are using it. This takes care of and refines the total sexual health as it may not only gives visibly satisfying enlargement results but also elevates sexual stamina, intensifies orgasms, treats premature ejaculation, and rectifies any sexual limitations.
- HydroMax 7 Wide Boy – this Hydromax penis pump is specifically designed for users having a wider penile girth. This is a highly recommended hydro pump for users having penis length of 5-7 inches and girth of up to 7.5 inches as it is specially crafted for broader penis sizes. Wider penis girth but the average penile length makes it harder for users to get an exact size for them.
This is why Hydromax7 Wide Boy is a unique and exclusively devised penis pump that suits users having a wider sized penis and helps them to add more inches to their sexual organ after using this advanced hydro pump. This extraordinary hydro pump comprises of a broader chamber that facilitates a perfect fit and ensures optimum pressure for significantly larger gains.
The standard Hydromax7 penis pump usually encases penises having girth up to 6.5 inches, but Hydromax7 Wide Boy goes a little ahead and can accommodate thicker penises having a girth of more than 6.5 inches. This wide hydro pump efficiently enhances erection capability, quality, and sexual confidence to the max. This is a wholly new designed penile pump that suits both new and experienced users and this can be easily used while taking your baths, shower, or even beside a sink by just pouring water.
- HydroMax 9 – this hydro pump is aimed at users who are bigger than average users. This is a highly recommended penis pump for proven and long-lasting sexual enhancement and escalated sexual power. Users whose penises are 7 to 9 inches long and girth of up to 7.5 inches wide will reap great sexual power after using this pump as it has been specifically created for them. This hydro pump is well-suited for users who have been using other models of Bathmate for a long time which has led to a bigger size or else users who are naturally well endowed.
Hydromax9 is the perfect penis pump for you if you are looking for an extra-large hydro pump. This ultra-big penile pump will aid you to enlarge your penis to an extraordinary size for you to enjoy heightened sexual satisfaction, inflated sexual confidence and will bolster your erections to the max.
This is an exceptional and upgraded Hydromax pump that packs more power and elevated convenience for lasting and genuine effects. For men who are bigger than others, Hydromax9 is a perfectly tailored fit to super-size you.
Who is HydroMax for and does it increase length?
Hydromax series of penis pumps is designed for men of having penises of different sizes ranging from 3 inches to 9 inches in length and girth of 3 to 7 inches. This range of ultra-modern hydro pumps can fit any penis size, whether it’s small, average, or extra-big.
Yes, of course, the Hydromax series of penile pumps increase penile length to an impressive length. Men having below-average penis size or even if they are well-endowed but still want to supersize their manly organ to the maximum possible size, will benefit hugely after using these specially created penile pumps. This penis pumps not only help you to get a bigger and fuller penis but also enhance your erection quality and expand its lasting power and overall sexual stamina.
Are the results of HydroMax permanent?
Mostly hydro pumps give temporary results, but Hydromax penis pumps offer short-term as well as long-term and lasting results. Most users have experienced significant changes in their penis sizes after using these Bathmate hydro pumps regularly over an extended period of time. Besides trying to increase the size or erections, several users have also experienced a huge boost in their sexual stamina, lasting power, orgasms, and overall sexual confidence and performance for a long time in a safe and painless manner.
How long does it take for the HydroMax to work?
Most users have noticed an increase in their penis sizes by an inch after a month’s usage. Considering that it varies from person to person and also depends upon the duration of usage, most of the users have experienced noticeable changes after 1-2 months of usage.
With Hydromax series of penis pumps, one can expect to see results after 1 to 1 and a half months of continuous usage. This powerful series of penile enlargement pumps start working on your penises from the very first use and slowly after completing 2 months of dedicated usage, you will feel and look bigger and you will be pleasantly surprised by the bigness of your manly weapon along with uplifted sexual vigor, confidence and intense sexual performance.
Get your hands on the BathMate HydroMax Series from its Official Website, Click Here!
What is HydroXtreme by BathMate and the models it offers?

Bathmate HydroXtreme series of penis pumps are designed for giving you the most powerful and extraordinarily mighty results. This series of hydro pumps are specifically for those who want some really vigorous and exceptionally strong penis power pumps for enormous gains. HydroXtreme is a highly ultra-modern penis pump range that is a perfect choice for advanced users who have outgrown other pumps of Bathmate like Hydro or Hydromax series.
This range of hydro pumps is equipped with a unique and easy-to-use handball set that makes one exert the maximum pressure in order to gain the optimum and unmatched sexual power improvement. This series of penile enlarging pumps are an unbeatable set of finest hydro pumps created by Bathmate which are extremely potent and power-packed penis pumps that uses water and puts almost maximum pressure making them a highly safe device. Each and every HydroXtreme pump is developed out of certified skin-safe, a powerful hydro pump having hand-ball system, facilitated with quick release technology, and produced out of Polycarbonate Vessel and Bisphenol A tested material.
HydroXtreme series of hydro pumps uses new and innovative technology that even surpasses the previous Bathmate products. This chain of pumps is created for experienced users as these mightily effective pumps deliver absolutely mind-blowing results that maximize your sexual vigor and erection power to the extreme level in a safe and painless manner. This series of hydro pumps work on the automatic and also manual mode as these pumps are assisted by a handball which is linked to the pump from the top. This is designed to help you to increase the load when necessary and heighten your performance so this proves that this range of penile enlarging pumps crosses all limits to maximize your gains. This versatile range of hydro pumps can be used with or without the handball initially and then once you get a hang of it you can very much start using the handball powerfully to keep on getting larger gains. These Bathmate hydro pumps can be used in the shower or in the bathroom for attaining unbelievably huge penis size, intense sexual potency, and massive erections.
HydroXtreme series is a range of clinically approved and well-tested penile pumps that give extraordinary results and encourages you to experience a re-invigorated sexual life without any harmful side effects. These top-quality penis pumps are intense hydro pumps that give you a prominently larger penis for sizzling and exciting sex life. These hydro pumps are extremely comfortable to wear and use and do not cause any kind of damage to the skin and health. Apart from crafted by experienced engineers and male sexual health experts, these hydro pumps are made out of skin-safe and high-quality material to ensure the best comfort and snug fit without causing skin irritations or allergies and so these are perfectly safe penile pumps to use.
Moreover, HydroXtreme series is also backed by a 60 days money-back guarantee which is also risk-free and promising. HydroXtreme is also very simple to use just like other Bathmate products as they are facilitated with a hand pump which is in fact very convenient to use. The following are to be followed while using a HydroXtreme hydro pump:
- Firstly, one needs to relax and take a warm bath for at least 5 minutes.
- Then let the penis pump be filled with water and keep pressing the pressure valve and make sure your finger is over the valve while filling it.
- After that when the pump is full of water, insert your flaccid penis inside the pump and seal it nicely.
- Next, one must use the handball pump to remove water from the valve which will produce pressure and create an erection and when the water stops seeping out, it is understood that the work is accomplished fully.
- One must stay in this position for at least 5 minutes and then press the main valve to release the pressure.
- One has to repeat the entire process 2-3 times for best maximizing results.
HydroXtreme is a user-friendly and highly convenient penis pump series that is not only safe but also is powerfully effective as a daily pumping routine of 15 minutes will get you an enlarged sexual organ.
These advanced penis pumps are equipped with a value accessories pack comprising of a new and ultra-progressive handball pump that is a unique way to check the pressure in your hydro pump just by squeezing the handball pump conveniently by allowing you to increase the pressure on your demands. This range of hydro pumps is perfectly crafted to avoid over-pressurizing and hurting yourself. This advanced range of hydro pumps will ensure maximum gains in length, girth, and erection quality of your penis in a safe and self-fulfilling manner.
Furthermore, the Bathmate HydroXtreme pumps also have an innovative design consisting of a tighter seal, comfort pad, and sturdier design, and an easier pump that amplifies performance.
This series of penis pumps are available in different sizes to suit practically any penis size and here are the various models that are designed to fit all:-

- HydroXtreme 3 – this hydro pump is ideal for penis size measuring up to 3 inches when erect as it helps in an erection lasting power and sexual confidence. Created for improved erections and heightened stamina, it is apt for users affected with penis issues becuase of its short size so that they can enlarge their small-sized organs. This supplies the optimum vacuum pressure required for making erections huge and harder and also to develop shaft size over time.
Suitable for penises measuring up to 3 inches when erect, this is the world’s second penis pump that is scientifically tested and suited for users who are below 3 inches for facilitating the user to gain enhanced sexual power, intensified sex, and inflated confidence levels.
- HydroXtreme 5 – this best-selling hydro pump is specifically for those penises measuring up to 5 inches when erect as this pump rapidly build erection lasting power and sexual confidence. Designed for stronger erections and more sexual stamina, this particular hydro pump suits penises having lengths of 3 to 5 inches and girth up to 6 inches. This penis pump supplies safe and unbeatable pressure to build really huge size of your manly tool and maximizes the lasting strength of your erections. It is an actual game-changer that helps you exert pressure without having to pump the unit by just using the hand-ball which aids in swiftly developing your penis size for amplified sexual performance.
- HydroXtreme 7 – this is a popular model of HydroXtreme that develops really massive gains and suits those of you who have penises measuring between 5 and 7 inches when wholly erect. Excellently crafted, this is a remarkable and potent hydro pump well-suited for users with penis length between 5 to 7 inches and a girth of up to 6.5 inches to boost sexual stamina and push the size of your erections powerfully. This hydro pump assists you to put a maximum safe level of vacuum pressure while eliciting unmatched improvement in sexual power, erection quality, and heightened sexual stamina.
This hydro pump differs from other Bathmate pumps about the usage of the hand-ball, as once the pump is filled with water and fixed to your body, you do not have to pump to release water. You just have to squeeze the handball to remove the water which is in fact increases the ease factor. This particular hydro pump is most suitable and the most popular in a majority of users for its effective results, size suitability, and ease quotient.
- HydroXtreme 7 Wide Boy – this specially designed all-new hydro pump for the penises with the largest girth is highly recommended for users having average length penises of 5-7 inches but wider than the average girth of up to 7.5 inches. This latest model of hydro pump is an ultra-powerful and highly easy penis pump equipped with the same comfort factor of a hand-ball, to provide you enormous gains. This unique model suits girthy users who are a little bigger and wider and it is specifically suited for experienced users who wish to derive unmatchable gains.
- HydroXtreme 9 – this is appropriate for advanced users who have outgrown other pumps of Bathmate HydroXtreme series and whose penises are between 7 and 9 inches. This specific penis pump combines the efficacy of a water-based hydro pump design and an effortless handball system, which makes it to be a perfect choice for users wanting really effective penis pumping action.
Devised for users who are larger than average, that is, having a penis length of 7 to 9 inches and girth of up to 7.5 inches, this hydro pump is extremely effective in improving sexual power and facilitating longer-lasting and super-hard erections. It not only pumps your shaft’s size but also your confidence levels powerfully. HydroXtreme9 is well-suited for users who are not only naturally big but also have graduated after using other smaller hydro pumps of Bathmate.
- HydroXtreme 11 – this is the world’s largest penis pump as it is designed for users having an extraordinarily bigger penis than 9 inches. Designed for gigantic users measuring between 9-11 inches in length and up to 8.5 inches in girth when erect, HydroXtreme11 promises you larger and powerfully lasting erections along with additional sexual vigor and strength. Erections measuring more than 9 inches become hard to gain and sustain, but this latest model of Hydroxtreme gives you the performance-enhancing power to change your sex life for the better.
Owing to the utter size of HydroXtreme11 it becomes time-taking to produce the optimum pressure by pumping, so it offers an alternative approach wherein when the pump is attached to your body, you need to implement the handball to push out the water, thereby creating the right kind of pressure to gain intense and lasting erections.
Joseph B. Johns
From the moment I started using the Bathmate HydroXtreme, I could feel the difference in intensity compared to other pumps. The design and engineering behind this series are truly remarkable, providing an unparalleled level of pressure and performance. It’s clear that these pumps are crafted for individuals who are serious about achieving vigorous and exceptionally strong results in their quest for significant gains. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse the Bathmate HydroXtreme series to anyone seeking powerful and extraordinary results in their quest for substantial gains in penis power.
Eugene D. Halpern
I am delighted to share my experience with the Bathmate HydroXtreme series of penis pumps, a line meticulously crafted to deliver the most powerful and extraordinarily mighty results. For individuals seeking vigorous and exceptionally strong penis power pumps for substantial gains, the HydroXtreme series stands as a groundbreaking solution that has surpassed my expectations. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse the Bathmate HydroXtreme series to those who are serious about achieving the most powerful and extraordinarily mighty results in their journey for substantial gains.
Who is HydroXtreme for and does it increase length?
HydroXtreme series of penis pumps are particularly developed for experienced and advanced users and are a perfect choice for users who have outgrown other hydro pumps and want some really powerful and vigorous penis-pumping action in a safe and painless way.
HydroXtreme series of penile pumps definitely increases the length of your shaft after continuous and regular usage over a period of time. Using these powerful hydro pumps will not only maximize your sexual vigor and boost your libido effectively, but they will help you to get a harder and immensely massive erection for thrilling sex life.
Are the results of HydroXtreme permanent?
HydroXtreme series of penis pumps are hugely powerful devices which when used over an extended period of time may result in real and lasting gains. Not only your sexual health will be strengthened, but you will also enjoy elevated erotic power, overcome erectile issues, and soon you will be amazed at your mind-blowing and gigantic erections which last longer beyond expectations. Besides, you may also witness some positive changes in your penis size as it will magnify from every angle.
How long does it take for the HydroXtreme to work?
With the aid of handball and easy-to-reach vacuum pressure, HydroXtreme series of penis pumps provide the strongest impact, but to witness some satisfying and lasting real results, one must use them regularly and perfectly. Within a couple of months of regular usage, most users may get to behold astoundingly great results in the size and lasting power of erections.
HydroExtreme by BathMate can now be purchased Risk-Free from its Official Website.
Comparing the 3 BathMate Series, Hydro vs HydroMax vs HydroExtreme.
Bathmate Model | Size & Fit | Suitable for | Price | 60-days Money Back Guarantee | Benefits |
Hydro Series-Hydro7 | Length-5-7 inches, Girth–up to 6.5inches | Beginners or first-time users | $110.00 | ✔ | Improves sexual stamina and better erections |
HydroMax Series- HydroMax3 | Length-1-3inches, Girth-up to 6 inches | Users with small assets | $129.00 | ✔ | Increases shaft size and sexual gains |
HydroMax Series- HydroMax5 | Length-3-5 inches, Girth-up to 6 inches | Smaller than average users | $139.00 | ✔ | Lasting sexual gains and improves sexual power |
HydroMax Series- HydroMax7 | Length-5-7 inches, Girth-up to 6.5 inches | Average-sized users | $159.00 | ✔ | Maximizes your sexual power & erections |
HydroMax Series- HydroMax7 Wide Boy | Length-5-7inches, Girth- more than 6.5 inches | Wider-sized users | $179.00 | ✔ | Provides you a wider chamber to comfortably build optimum sexual power |
HydroMax Series- HydroMax9 | Length-7-9 inches, Girth- up to 7.5 inches | Larger than average users | $199.00 | ✔ | Major improvement in erection quality and lasting power |
HydroXtreme Series- HydroXtreme3 | Length- 1-3 inches, Girth- up to 6 inches | Users having under average size | $209.00 | ✔ | Increase penis size and erection quality |
HydroXtreme Series- HydroXtreme5 | Length-3-5 inches, Girth- up to 6 inches | Smaller than average users | $249.00 | ✔ | Heightening the quality and lasting power of erections |
HydroXtreme Series- HydroXtreme7 | Length-5-7 inches, Girth-up to 6.5 inches | Average-sized users | $ 299.00 | ✔ | Elevate sexual power & stamina |
HydroXtreme Series- HydroXtreme7 Wide-Boy | Length-5-7 inches, Girth- up to 7.5 inches | Wider-sized users | $319.00 | ✔ | Best comfort and maximize sexual power |
HydroXtreme Series-HydroXtreme9 | Length-7-9 inches, Girth- up to 7.5 inches | Larger than average users | $349.00 | ✔ | Build erection lasting power and boost confidence |
HydroXtreme Series-HydroXtreme11 | Length-9-11 inches, Girth- up to 8.5 inches | Prominently larger than average users | $399.00 | ✔ | Biggest Penis Pump to give added erection lasting power |
Why are BathMate HydroMax and HydroXtreme more powerful than the BathMate Hydro Series?
- Hydro Series comprises of only the Hydro7 model is more of a starter penis pumping device which is gentler and developed for beginners and first-time users. On the other hand, Hydromax and HydroXtreme are more powerful and vigorous devices that are specifically created for intermediate users and advanced users for heightened sexual enhancement and erection quality.
- HydroMax series of pumps suits intermediate users who have already used the milder Hydro7 and want to amplify their sexual stamina, performance, and confidence levels to a higher level as this range of pumps comes in a variety of sizes and is packed with 35% extra potency and added advantages than Hydro7.
- HydroXtreme is designed for advanced users who have outgrown other gentler versions of Bathmate as this innovative and uniquely powerful series of pumps are facilitated with convenient handball and gain-boosting accessories that unlock your complete potential for growth in penis sizes and overall sexual performance and erection power.

Which is best for you, Hydro, HydroMax, or HydroXtreme?
- If you are looking for a gentle starter pump, then Hydro7 is for you. But, there is a catch, this Hydro model suits users who have a length of 5 to 7 inches only after erection. So if you measure anything below 5 inches then, the Hydro Series by BathMate is not designed for your needs.
Click Here to visit the Official Hydro Series Website by BathMate and Buy your Penis Pump Today!
- HydroMax, on the other hand, not just deliver 35% more pressure from the Hydro Series, but has variants that fit users of various sizes, that is from 3 inches to 9 inches. Hence, the Hydromax Series by BathMate is the right choice and the better alternative to Hydro Series if you want bigger and amplified sexual power and size.
Get the Perfect Match for Your Size, Click to visit HydroMax Official Website by BathMate to Pick Your Pump Now!
- But if you really want to unleash your true sexual prowess and want some unmatched and unbeatable results, then the ultra-powerful and HydroXtreme is the absolutely game-changer device for the ones that have outgrown the other pumps by this series or has a girth that is wider than regular individuals.
Also, designed with a convenient handball technology, the HydroXtreme Series by BathMate also suits men who’s lenght is below 3 inches to the ones that range above 9 inches and more.