A couple is considered infertile if they have been engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse for over a year without being able to conceive. The inability to conceive is more frustrating and stressful than any other medical condition. It is probably because of pressures from family, religion, or peers to have children.
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One in 7 couples have trouble starting a family, i.e., they are infertile. While many looks at only women as the cause of infertility, men are just as responsible. Since the ability to procreate or otherwise is seen as a sign of virility, many men do not discuss infertility issues; not even with their doctors. Most infertility issues can be remedied, which is what makes the whole exercise frustrating. A question of ego stops a couple from having a healthy baby. There is no shame whatsoever in having a medical condition and that is why many fertility clinics and fertility doctors are in place. It does not make you any less of a man. It is a problem that can be fixed with proper fertility treatment, reproductive medicine, and also natural fertility supplements.
The causes of infertility are many. It could be the result of environmental issues like proximity to heavy metals or radiation/ X-rays, extreme heat especially near the testicles, or extended exposure to chemicals, pesticides, or organic solvents. Moreover, drug use, excessive drinking, smoking, or being overweight could also cause fertility issues. There are also several medical reasons why infertility may occur in men – infection, ejaculation issues, antibodies in the sperm, tumors in the glands, undescended testicles, hormone imbalances, chromosomes, celiac disease, certain medications, and surgeries.
Researchers claim that there is a very real connection between diet and fertility. Studies of men have proven that the healthier the diet, the healthier the sperm. Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and diets that include high levels of saturated or trans fats could affect sexual performance and fertility in men. Even though the biochemical workings of sperm production and its quality is still poorly understood, some studies claim that the standard western diet holds high-risk factors for fertility. This particular diet may include industry-processed food, trans fatty acids, and saturated fats, simple carbs and is poor in dietary fiber. Fertility is affected along with cardiovascular health, the risk of cancers increases, and the chances of contracting chronic disorders are higher. The Mediterranean diet and a vegetarian diet, on the other hand, seem to deter infertility issues. Studies claim that the latter diets include a larger quantity of dietary fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory foods. Plus, the intake of vital nutrients like amino acids, vitamins, and minerals is greater.
If you and your spouse are trying to get pregnant and are just starting, begin by improving your diet. Increase intake of vitamins, and minerals and reduce fats. Altering one’s eating habits is one way to go or you could use supplements. Many multivitamins or alternate nutrition supplements could help you meet your nutritional goals in terms of fertility. But what if there was a supplement made exclusively for male reproductive health? There is one and it seems to be working wonders.

Fertiligy – Male Reproductive Health Supplement

Fertiligy understands the association between diet and fertility. This is why Fertiligy was developed particularly for men to fill in the nutritional gaps left open by diets. Tailor-made for men, this fertility booster includes twelve clinically proven ingredients that not only fulfill the nutritional demands but also are suitable for anyone as they are safe, natural, and in the right doses. Other male enhancement supplements simply toss a few ingredients together. Whereas, this dietary supplement uses research and science to particularly target male fertility needs. Fertiligy covers the whole spectrum of reproductive issues from hormones to sperm quality. This explains why it is so effective.
The supplement comes with a strict dosage of seven capsules a day to ensure that the body has a constant supply of the nutrients needed to heal and enhance the male reproductive system. You must take three capsules in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three right before bed. Each dose should be taken with at least 250ml of water. The dosage may seem to be a bit extreme but this is to ensure that your body always has the right amounts of the components in the system.
To learn how the Fertiligy Supplement can work on the root cause of unexplained infertility, Click Here!
How Does Fertiligy Work?
Fertiligy works because it covers the three crucial problem areas for male infertility issues –
- Sperm Health,
- Oxidative Stress, And
- Testosterone.
Most reproductive problems stem from here. This formula puts its components to work on each of them.
The quality of sperm is vital- quality and motility. Diet affects both aspects of sperm. The healthier the sperm the better your chances of conception. Fertiligy contributes to the health of your sperm by using nutrients that your diet would normally not compensate for.
Oxidative stress is what results from unhealthy dietary and lifestyle habits. Free radicals in the body disrupt almost all biological functions, reproductive well-being being one. Studies suggest that oxidative could lower fertility in men. Fertiligy uses antioxidants that could rid your body of toxins and free radicals. Your body would be in better reproductive shape.
With low testosterone levels, it would be difficult feeling the urge for sex let alone procreate. The male sex hormone influences several functions including sexual desire, function, and virility. Fertiligy enhances the amount of free testosterone in the blood, making it more available for use. The ingredients also improve the production of the hormone.
Botanicals and Natural Compounds in Fertiligy:
- Vitamin A as Beta Carotene
A study conducted on men with compromised fertility showed that they had lower levels of vitamin A than men who were found to be reproductively healthy. Vitamin A works as an antioxidant that helps maintain homeostasis in the body by preventing cellular damage. This damage could also affect sperm cells which cause fragmented sperm- a change or a break in one or both DNA strands within the sperm cell. Fragmented sperm does not have the best motility and this may significantly reduce the chances of conception. It is the presence of this vitamin that helps spermatogonia ultimately become spermatozoa. Vitamin A is also crucial for skin health, immune function, protein synthesis, bone, and teeth health, and vision. - Vitamin D2 as Cholecalciferol
The role of vitamin D in conception and sperm generation is a well-researched subject. This nutrient has been linked to sexual function, testosterone production and maintenance, and fertility. Studies find that men with low semen production have low levels of vitamin D. These men also show low semen quality and motility. Vitamin D is also a mood regulator so it is possible for the nutrient to support your sex drive as well. Obesity is a great threat to fertility and vitamin D aids in weight loss and appetite suppression. The vitamin can also reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis, and heart disease and boosts immunity to keep you healthy. - Vitamin E d-Alpha Tocopherol
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that protects the sperm cell membrane from oxidative stress and also improves sperm motility. It also helps the sperm cell reach the egg for fertilization. The vitamin has antioxidant properties that can improve sex drive.
Vitamin E is also key for the production of testosterone leading to improved libido. The nutrient also ensures that there is free testosterone in the blood. Studies have shown that decreased fertility in both men and women demonstrated a vitamin E deficiency. Furthermore, vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin, and healthy eyes, and supports the immune system. - Vitamin B9 as Folic Acid
Sperm is the vessel that carries DNA and RNA content from the male to the female. Vitamin B9 helps in the production of this genetic material. This is key especially when cells and tissues are growing quickly like in the womb or during infancy. While working with vitamin B12, B9 aids in the production of red blood cells and gets iron working in the body.
Several studies have shown that vitamin B9 can improve sperm count, motility, and quality when men were supplemented with it. This is especially true for men who suffered from certain conditions like varicocele. This vitamin is also crucial for brain health, and mental health, reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, kidney disease, or fertility issues in women. - Zinc as Zinc Sulfate
Zinc is a trace element that is naturally found in the body and it is vital for metabolic function, the immune system, wound healing, and your sense of taste. Zinc has been known to improve testosterone levels, improve sperm quality and decrease the risk of male infertility.
It has also been found to curb prostate cancer cell line growth and invasion. Erectile dysfunction and hypogonadism are two problems that zinc can help with. When zinc was administered to men with zinc deficiency, there was a marked increase in testosterone production and semen quality. - Selenium as Selenium Citrate
Selenium, another trace element, is responsible for healthy hair and nails, boosting immune function, and supporting thyroid function. For men especially, selenium works against certain cancers and protects against heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, and anxiety. Selenium is a natural antioxidant and helps to reduce inflammation. Both these processes are vital for testosterone production. Selenium also helps with the maturation of sperm and motility. - D-Aspartic Acid (DAA)
An amino acid, this natural compound is usually seen as a supplement on its own. It is present in several glands including the testes. You can also find it in semen and sperm cells. DAA has no established link with sperm health itself but has been found to boost testosterone levels which enhance overall male fertility. DAA is responsible for the release of a hormone in the brain that triggers testosterone production and its subsequent release into the bloodstream. Moreover, it aids the release of luteinizing hormones, follicle-stimulating hormones, and growth hormones. - Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that has been used in traditional Indian medicine for a variety of reasons – one of which is fertility. Studies agree that this botanical can naturally improve testosterone production and maintain testosterone levels in the body. Another study suggested that taking ashwagandha supplements for three months significantly improved fertility, sperm count, semen volume, and sperm motility. All this may be the result of the boosted testosterone levels. It can also help with erectile dysfunction and can help enhance sexual performance and desire. Stress is a major factor in fertility and since ashwagandha is an adaptogen, stress levels are kept in check. Ashwagandha has several nootropic benefits as well. - Fenugreek
An herb long used in alternate medicine; fenugreek is also often taken as a supplement. Fenugreek is being looked at as an alternate remedy for androgen deficiency. One factor that the botanical can boost is testosterone.
When administered to weightlifters, fenugreek showcased increased levels of the male hormone, sexual function, and libido. The group also showed a 2% reduced fat content. There were also reports of increased physical strength and stamina. Fenugreek can also control cholesterol and blood sugar levels, heartburn, and inflammation. - N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
NAC is a semi-essential amino acid; this means that it could be produced in the body provided that the raw materials are present in sufficient quantities. NAC bonds with glutamine to form glutathione – a powerful antioxidant. This helps the body rid itself of free radicals reducing oxidative stress and damage including that of the reproductive system.
Ideally, NAC can help with nitric oxide production. Nitric Oxide is essential for blood flow to and from the male reproductive organ and the testes. It can improve levels of serum testosterone in the body and can also help maintain or improve erectile function. - Coenzyme Q10
Naturally produced in the body, COQ10 production decreases with age. It is stored in the mitochondria of the body. The core responsibility of the enzyme is energy production for the cells and protecting the cell from oxidative damage. As you age, the levels of COQ10 decrease and this increases the prevalence of oxidative stress. This applies to sperm cells as well resulting in low-quality sperm, motility issues, runny semen, and lower rates of conception. Sexual stamina may also have profited from COQ10 supplementation. The same applies to women and eggs. The oxidative stress condenses egg quality and the chances of a positive pregnancy test are low. Furthermore, COQ10 can help with skin care, heart health, headaches, and diabetes, and may even prevent cancer. - Lycopene
Lycopene is what gives fruits and veg their color. It is a powerful antioxidant and has several health benefits like lowering risks for cancer, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease.
It can even help with vision, asthma, bone health, and integrity. Lycopene supplementation has been shown to improve varicocele in men and also benefit men with infertility issues. Studies have determined an inverted association between lycopene supplementation and prostate cancer. It also showcased an increase in testosterone levels, sperm morphology, and motility.
All ingredients used in Fertiligy are natural and safe. This is what makes the product so effective. It has used doses similar to that administered during various studies to achieve results that matter. Each ingredient has been thoroughly researched and only then included in the formula. This fertility enhancer contains no compounds or elements that are restricted by WADA or components that are habit-forming. The product includes no steroids. The ingredients only help the body recover and boost natural processes boosting them to their full potential.

Benefits of Fertiligy – Why Should You Buy this over other male fertility booster supplements
Fertiligy is a male fertility-boosting supplement. Its unique formula works on all facets that affect your fertility. The results you could expect include:
- Boosted Testosterone: Your fertility is a direct reflection of testosterone production and levels. Fertiligy boosts the testosterone levels in the body helping your reproductive system work better. As a result of improved testosterone levels, you will see enhanced sex drive, more sexual stamina, and greater sexual function. This would not only improve your sex life but it would also mean that there is a better chance of conceiving.
- Sperm Quality: Sex alone is not enough. You need your boys to swim. You also need them to be healthy and of good quality. Fertiligy uses components that enhance the quality of your sperm cells. They will be able to swim better and reach the egg. This means there are better chances of a fertilized egg and a baby on its way.
- Better Libido: Trying to get pregnant is difficult and it can cause a lot of stress. Chances are that you may lose the urge to engage in the reproductive act. The Fertiligy formula increases the drive for sex making the baby-making process more pleasurable for you and your partner.
- Vegan-Friendly: Fertiligy contains no animal or dairy products. The supplement is okay for all to use.
- Natural: Not all fertility supplements include 100% natural components – Fertiligy does. There are no harmful elements in the formula and it is this factor that allows the product to be side-effect free.
- Additional Health Benefits: Because of the nature of the ingredients, you will see improvements in several aspects of your life. Most of the ingredients have anti-oxidative properties. Your overall health will improve provided that you switch to a healthier lifestyle. Since you are trying to have a baby, that would already be in effect.
Within just 3 months of use, Fertiligy would start to show results. Results are not guaranteed though. But neither are the results for modern fertility tests and expensive IVF treatments. For a fraction of the cost, Fertiligy can better your prospects of starting a family.

How to Get Fertiligy?
On the official website of Fertiligy you can order the supplement, Click Now! You will not find this supplement on any other website. Too many websites sell too many sub-standard products and Fertiligy wants to steer clear of that racket. It can be yours at the following process:
1 month’s supply | $79.00 |
2 months’ supply | $143.00 |
4 months’ supply | $237.00 |
Should you not like the product, Fertiligy offers you a 30- day return policy. You only have to return the package in its original package with proof of purchase and a return would be generated for you.
Eden G. (Austin, United States)
“I had no idea that there were treatments available for male infertility issues, but a friend of mine recommended Fertiligy and it has really helped! I was really skeptical at first, but after doing some research I decided to give it a try. So glad I did- it has made a big difference.”
Kolton B. (Melbourne, Australia)
“Fertiligy is a supplement that is specifically designed to improve male reproductive health. The ingredients are all natural and safe, and the company has a good reputation. I have been taking it for about two months now, and I have definitely seen an improvement in my overall health and energy levels. My sperm count has also increased, which is great news for my wife and I who are trying to conceive.”
Emmitt A. (Hamilton, New Zealand)
“If you’re looking for an all-natural way to improve your physical performance while also enjoying increased libido and lower stress levels, then Fertiligy is definitely worth trying out! I was really impressed with how quickly I started seeing results after taking it regularly, and it’s great knowing that there are no harmful side effects.”
Luke C. (Woodlands, Singapore)
“I had my sperm count tested recently and saw an improvement from my last test. I’m not sure if it’s the Fertiligy or something else, but I’m glad to see an improvement.”
Jaxon P. (Dublin, Ireland)
“Fertiligy is an excellent product that has shown to be effective in treating male infertility issues. I have been using it for several months and have seen a significant improvement in terms of lasting time, urge, and semen volume.”
Andrew H. (Vancouver, Canada)
“I was really struggling with my sex drive before I found this product. It’s been a total game-changer! I feel so much more relaxed and less stressed when it comes to making a baby. This stuff is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone!”
Summary & Verdict
Fertiligy is a male fertility enhancement supplement that is a natural way to better your chances of beginning a family. The ingredients are such that they enhance your body’s natural reproductive processes to perform to their full potential. This booster advocates the fact that diet and fertility have a close association and that the lack of complete nutrition could impact fertility in more ways than one. Therefore, this male fertility-boosting pill uses natural vitamins, botanicals, and amino acids to fill in the possible gaps in your diet.
The journey to start a family should not be hindered by something as trivial as nutrition, which is why Fertiligy remedies that issue for you. Try this fertility support to improve your chances to start a family. You may be knee-deep in diapers before you know it. Click here to bring home such a blessing, at a reasonable price, Try Fertiligy today!