There is so much that the gut does for you. It would be close to criminal to use sub-par food supplements to ensure gut health. Gundry MD Lectin Shield is one of the many dietary supplements on the market that claims to give you a stronger digestive system and to support intestinal health. Before you can make a sound decision as to whether to buy Lectin Shield and if it is right for you or not, you need to understand the working of the gut and what really goes into keeping the gut healthy.
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It is a common belief that the digestive system – mouth to anus, is nothing more than a machine that works with the ingestion, digestion, and excretion of food materials. The gut does all that in addition to a lot more too. It is the seat of overall well-being and health. And it isn’t the organs that do all the work. It is the microbes. You wouldn’t be alone if you have never heard the term gut microbiome before. A lot of people are not aware of the thriving ecosystem in the intestines of the human body. In the cecum – a pocket in the large intestine that lives close to your brain weight’s worth of microbes. Fungi, viruses, yeasts, and bacteria. These microbes may be small but they contribute to human health in a big way. The bacteria especially.
There is a clear divide in the microbiome. The good bacteria that protect the gut lining from damage and contribute to the immune system, skin health, appetite, bone health, weight regulation, hormones, brain health and cognition, and mood. The bad bacteria cause disease as is in their nature. The gut is a low-key battleground where the good bacteria keep the bad ones in check. When this delicate balance is disturbed, then you have dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is the cause of a lot of problems and when it gets really bad you have problems like leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, gluten intolerance, Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease.

A Hurting Gut and What You Can Do for It?
A healthy gut lining is semi-permeable, which means that it has tiny openings that allow water and nutrients to enter the bloodstream for transportation to the whole body. When you have a hurting gut, the spaces in the gut lining become larger allowing toxins, bacteria, and undigested food to enter the blood. This causes inflammation and all-around ill-health. So, taking care of your gut and the tiny guests that live there is essential.
Is this happening to you? How would you know? Check if you have any of the following symptoms.
- Abdominal pain or cramps
- Gas or bloating
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Food cravings, especially for sugar
- Weight changes
- Insomnia or disturbed sleep
- Skin irritations, acne, or eczema
- Food intolerances for gluten or lactose
- The occurrence of an autoimmune disease like Crohn’s disease or celiac disease
A one-of occurrence of such symptoms just means that you ate something that upset your tummy. However, if the above-mentioned distresses are chronic and have lasted for more than a few days – your gut is shot.
The gut is a delicate system and the bacteria that live there are even more so. Maintaining gut health so as to keep your body optimally functioning is vital. And it is possible to do that without creating too much of a fuss.
- Stress Less: High levels of stress have been proven to cause a change in the health of the gut microbiome and the body as a whole. Taking some time out for yourself and letting yourself relax would do wonders for you. Take up a hobby, hike, meet friends, practice yoga, and get a pet. Whatever would help you defuse, do it.
- Exercise: An effective stress control measure, exercise can also produce endorphins that can increase feelings of pleasure and well-being. This can help with stress too.
- Sleep More: Giving up sleep for work or pleasure is not a good idea. The gut and the whole body recover from the day’s stresses when you sleep.
- Eat Slower: Properly chewing your food helps to lighten the load on the digestive system. It also supports weight loss as when you eat slowly, it’s easier for the body to signal that it is full.
- Water is Vital: Keeping the body hydrated has been found to maintain an increased diversity of bacteria in the body which is good for the gut. Water supports skin health and kidney function too.
- Avoid Irritants: If you know of certain foods that cause your gut to get upset, avoid them as much as you can.
- Change Your Diet: Eating a diverse range of foods has been proved to be beneficial to the gut microbiome. Try to eat plant-based foods more and keep red meats to a minimum.
- Introduce Supplements: The easiest path to a healthy gut is a probiotic and prebiotic supplement. Supplements give you the right components in the right doses.
And this is where Gundry MD Lectin Shield comes into play. To make an honest review, you would have to first understand the logic with which the supplement was created and whether this logic actually benefits gut health. However, what are lectins, anyway?
Lectins & the Damage They Cause
Lectins are a family of proteins found in almost all foods. Lectins are a part of the plant’s defense system against insects and herbivores. From the castor oil plant, lectins are lethal. Lectins from animal-based foods have a role to play in psychological function. The role of plant-based lectins in the human body is not as defined.
Certain dietary lectins may cause digestive distress but in the case of phytohaemagglutinin – found in raw kidney beans, they can be poisonous. The paleo diet declares that lectins are harmful and lectin foods must be avoided at all costs.
The fact of the matter is that lectin toxicity can be eliminated through the cooking process. One need not avoid lectin foods as most of such foods are cooked first. Lectin-rich foods include red kidney beans, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, and nightshade vegetables. In the case of tomatoes or chilies, there is no evidence yet of the lectin content in them causing any digestive issues. Also, most plant-based foods have some level of lectin in them so avoiding lectin foods would lead to a loss of vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Nightshade vegetables are a great source of minerals and can reduce the risk of cancer and heart trouble.
Lectin foods when consumed in large quantities can lead to too much lectin in the system. These foods can cause red blood cells to clump together. It may also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and bloating.
Gundry MD Lectin Shield claims that its unique formula can block lectins from negatively interacting with the digestive tract and nullify the adverse effects of lectins.
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Gundry MD Lectin Shield Review– The Inner Workings

Gundry MD is a wellness brand founded by Dr. Steven Gundry, who was once a leading heart surgeon in the US. Also, an author, he wrote a book called “The Plant Paradox”, which claimed that lectins – found in plants, were the cause of almost all human dysfunction and disease. Now a brand that works to dramatically improve human, health, happiness, and longevity through diet and nutrition, Gundry MD promotes the concept of holobiotics – a school of thought which propounds the belief that true health can be achieved only when living in harmony with the trillions of microbes that live in and on your body. Gundry MD products are also available for skin, diet, and gut.
Gundry MD Lectin Shield was created as an answer to the leaky gut syndrome. Dr. Gundry believes that harmful lectins, which are present in the everyday plant-based foods that we consume, have adverse effects on the gut and the intestinal lining. Lectin Shield apparently uses ingredients that stop lectins from negatively influencing the body and improve intestinal health and integrity.
Dr. Gundry suggests taking 2 Lectin Shield capsules twice a day with meals so that the lectin blockers in the supplement can prevent lectin overload and neutralize cellular damage leading to a healthier digestive system.
Lectin Shield is the first ever original lectin blocker supplement and uses a blend of 9 ingredients that all work towards the protection of the digestive tract and can promote the ability to digest food better.
How Does Gundry MD Lectin Shield Work?
For a dietary supplement, Gundry MD Lectin Shield has gotten a lot of media attention. Not just because of the brand but also because the company did spend a lot of effort on marketing. Not all famous products are found to be legitimate and this may be the case for Lectin Shield as well.
To find out how the Lectin Shield works, one needs to understand the ingredients used in the product. The efficacy of the components in the supplement‘s formula determines the success of a product. There are a total of 9 Lectin Shield ingredients.
N acetyl D glucosamine: An amino derivative, it is crucial to several biological functions. Derived from the shells of crabs and shellfish, there is scientific backing for the claim that this can block lectins. It can also support digestive enzymes and joint health. N acetyl D glucosamine is usually prescribed for osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. It has been proven to improve intestinal maintenance and nutrient absorption.
Bladderwrack: A seaweed from the kelp family, bladderwrack contains higher levels of iodine, which support a healthy thyroid. It also has high levels of calcium that facilitate bone development and joint integrity. Bladderwrack can promote healthy skin and energy as well. It is also used as a therapy for GERD.
D-Mannose: D-mannose is a type of sugar similar to glucose and is used for preventing urinary tract disorders and treating a genetic metabolic disorder called deficient glycoprotein syndrome. Naturally occurring in apples, oranges, blueberries, and cranberries, it aids the immune system by helping immune cells to identify and destroy foreign bodies and has lectin blocking and antioxidant properties. Furthermore, it is beneficial to the kidneys, liver, and blood.
Okra Fruit: Low on calories but packed full of nutrients, okra has vitamin C which helps to support a healthy immune system. An antioxidant in nature, okra also helps with the clotting of blood and can rid the body of free radicals that cause oxidative stress. It has raw polysaccharides that can bind with different lectins rendering them harmless and is a good source of polyphenols as well.
Mucin: It is a protein complex produced by the epithelial tissues in most animals and is slimy in texture. It is also known as sialic acid. The key characteristic of mucin is its ability to form gels which can help to moisturize skin, promote collagen production, and aid in wound healing and skin regeneration. Because of sialic acid, mucin promotes intestinal health by keeping a barrier between the harmful lectins and the gut wall.
Sodium Alginate: This is a cell wall component of marine brown algae used as a thickening agent in the food industry. It can be used for the treatment of heartburn and dyspepsia as well. It assists in weight loss and buffers the digestive enzymes making them less harmful to the stomach wall. There are a few studies that support the claim that sodium alginate can reduce intestinal permeability that has been caused by leaky gut syndrome. Furthermore, it can also be used as a fecal bulking agent.
Vegetable Peptase: This is a type of enzyme derived from non-animal sources that can break down harmful proteins. One of the potential benefits of peptase is that it helps in blocking lectins from injuring the digestive system. It can be used for joint health and pain relief as well.
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane): MSM in itself is a dietary supplement. Naturally occurring in plants, animals, and humans, it is usually used to reduce inflammation and alleviate joint pain. It has benefits for the skin, and immune system and can also relieve allergy symptoms.
Larch Arabinogalactan: This is a chemical similar to starch that is naturally found in plants. It is usually used for ear infections, colds, or the flu. Larch arabinogalactan is a fiber that ferments in the intestine and increases intestinal bacteria which boosts the immune function of the body. It also increases butyrate levels which make it easier to digest foods and alleviate issues resulting from cholesterol. It may help with food cravings as well.
When taking a closer look at the components in Lectin Shield, you wouldn’t fail to notice the absence of any probiotic content. As far as prebiotics are concerned, there is marginal representation in terms of Larch Arabinogalactan and the okra. This may be the reason why Lectin shield is not as effective a supplement as others on the market.

Pros of Using Gundry MD Lectin Shield
As far as intestinal health goes, Gundry MD Lectin Shield is not a complete bust. There are things that it has going for it like:
- Lectin Shield is marketed as a dietary supplement that controls weight gain, but taking Lectin Shield can undo the damage caused by lectin on the digestive system. It stops dietary lectins from interacting with the gut wall.
- Lectin Shield works by forming a barrier along the inside of the GI tract. This can help greatly with intestinal permeability and leaky gut syndrome.
- Immunity and skin health would automatically follow when gut permeability issues are resolved.
- Once you take Lectin Shield, you would no longer have to follow a strict lectin-free diet, you can consume lectins to a certain extent without the worry of damage.
- The ingredients used on Gundry MD Lectin Shield are natural and all possess lectin blocker properties. Apart from lectin blocking, Lectin Shield users can experience relief from joint pain as well.
- There is a 90-day money-back guarantee should you not be satisfied with the product.
Gundry MD Lectin Shield does have a lot going for it. But everything has two sides.
Beatrix B. (UK)
I recently started taking Gundry MD Lectin Shield and I am very impressed with the results. I have always had digestive issues and this supplement has really helped to alleviate them. I feel like my digestive system is functioning better and I don’t experience as much bloating or discomfort after meals. I would definitely recommend this product.
Beverley C. (USA)
I appreciate that this supplement is made with natural ingredients and doesn’t contain any harmful additives or fillers. It’s reassuring to know that I am putting something safe and effective into my body. Overall, I would highly recommend Gundry MD Lectin Shield to anyone looking to improve their digestive health. It has made a noticeable difference for me and I will continue to use it in the future. 3.5 out of 5 stars Great supplement for digestive health.
Cons of Gundry MD Lectin Shield
- Gundry MD is built around the premise that all lectin-rich food causes damage to the digestive tract which in turn leads to overall ill-health. This is stretching the truth a little. Lectins are capable of causing harm like wheat lectins, which are very high. However, most lectins are destroyed through wet high heat cooking. Broiling, boiling, and stewing are very effective methods of dealing with lectin. The chances of consuming wheat or kidney beans raw are extremely unlikely.
- A major red flag is the use of N acetyl D glucosamine. Derived from the shells of sea crustaceans, if you suffer from a shellfish allergy then Gundry MD Lectin Shield is not for you.
- Leaky gut syndrome or other gut health issues are caused by a wide range of causes from diet to lifestyle. Lectins are a very small part of the problem. Using a lectin-blocking product alone to cure leaky gut cannot be effective.
- Gut issues are more successfully treated with the use of probiotics and prebiotics. Gundry MD Lectin Shield has no probiotic content whatsoever. As a supplement that is recommended for gut support, Lectin Shield falls flat.
- Following a lectin-free diet is close to impossible as most plant-based foods contain lectins. Using Lectin Shield seems to be the only solution to adopting a normal balanced diet. It is a little pessimistic in approach.
- There have been some side effects that have been reported like heartburn, digestive issues, and skin rashes.
- On the official website, Lectin Shield customer reviews are all positive. However, on independent forums, one can see that many users mention Lectin Shield pricing, ineffectiveness, and side effects as reasons why they stopped the use of the supplement
Gundry MD Lectin Shield Review Summary
As a gut restorative medicine, Lectin Shield is a dubious option. It does create and maintain a slippery protective barrier on the inside of the gut wall but that is not enough. As a weight loss agent, it may have some effect, as it supports intestinal health leading to better digestion and absorption of nutrients and fats.
- The bottom line is that creating a gut supplement while ignoring probiotics is a big miss. There have to be probiotics in a supplement for it to replenish the numbers of good bacteria in the gut, correcting dysbiosis and this begins to heal the gut. To keep the gut bacteria nourished and healthy, prebiotics is required. Lectin Shield has barely any representation in that department.
- Gundry MD Lectin Shield helps the symptoms of leaky gut but does not address the main trouble at hand. A barrier on the inside of the gut can work only so much post which it would not be able to remedy leaky gut as it doesn’t have the components to do so.
- Regardless of whether you use Lectin Shield or not, weight loss will happen as a result of a healthy gut. It isn’t a result of the supplement alone.
If you are looking for a capable gut supplement, it is recommended that you give Gundry MD Lectin Shield a miss. For a real solution to the problem of leaky gut, you would be better off choosing a supplement that features both probiotic and prebiotic content equally. Remedying the symptoms is a temporary resolution to intestinal trouble and Lectin Shield does only that. There are healthier and more effective products for your gut out there and you might want to give Lectin Shield a miss. To grab the Best Probiotic and Prebiotic Supplement for gut health learn more about the 10 Best Leaky Gut Supplements trending right now, which are also clinically backed.