In your intestines live more microbes than your whole body’s cell count and it is the responsibility of these tiny beings to keep your body hearty and healthy. Believe it or not, the food you eat would not do you any good if the microbes in your digestive tract chose otherwise. It’s the bacteria mainly that influence the inner workings of your body. They do a lot more than give you body odor. Do you know why you are healthy? It is because of the gut microbiome. And good health is a result of the delicate balance that is maintained in the gut between good and harmful bacteria. The gut and the bacteria that live there do a pretty good job of maintaining this balance. Our habits throw it out of whack with unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, too much stress, and bad dental hygiene. When the balance is disturbed, the gut gets thrown into disarray and causes a range of problems like:
Table of Contents
- Upset stomach and abdominal pain
- Extreme cravings especially for sugar
- Food intolerances you never had before
- Breakouts on your skin
- Fatigue
- Weight loss or gain
- Gas and/or bloating
- Diarrhea or constipation
If you experience more than a few of the above problems, it is a sign that your digestive system is trying to set itself straight and, in most cases, it can. However, when this imbalance (called dysbiosis) is allowed to continue unchecked, it would lead to the beginning of many medical conditions, the more serious of which is leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome & Its Effects

A condition and not a disease, leaky gut syndrome is still a theory in the medical world but a very likely one. The simplest explanation is as follows. The leaky gut syndrome affects intestinal permeability. The intestinal cells have tight junctions between them just large enough to let water and nutrients through into the bloodstream. The intestinal lining is protected by a mucosal layer that keeps it safe and free from harm. In the case of dysbiosis, there are more harmful bacteria in the intestines than beneficial ones, and these pathogens release endotoxins, which cause inflammation in the gut and fever as an immune response. These endotoxins eat away at the protective layer of the intestine and the spaces between the intestinal cells widen allowing toxins, undigested food, and the pathogens themselves into the bloodstream, and this phenomenon is a leaky gut syndrome. Once leaky gut sets in, you suffer from widespread inflammation which causes problems like joint pain, headaches, nutritional difficulties, fatigue, and confusion. It also marks the beginning of inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, type 2 diabetes, obesity, hormonal imbalances, and autoimmune disorders. And this is in addition to the digestive issues that would plague you.
This is no way to live. There are ways and means to ensure that this does not happen to you. But if it already has then, there are ways to fix it. There are certain changes that you can make to your eating and lifestyle habits that could keep these issues at bay.
- One, of course, is learning to handle stress or avoid it, getting to bed on time, and adding more physical activities to your everyday schedule.
- Two, you need to change the way you eat. The American diet isn’t a very healthy one as it is too centered around meat and unhealthy fats. Americans consume more processed foods than any other country. This leads to inflammation and you don’t really get the nutrition your body needs. To support digestive health, what you need is a more plant-based diet. This means that you get vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fiber is what the beneficial bacteria in your gut need and use as food. However, the Mediterranean diet is the best in the world, you might want to check that out.
- Three, is supplements. Dietary supplements allow you to correct the actual problems without all the runaround. A dietary supplement could easily help the gut and digestive system by supplying probiotic and prebiotic content in the right amounts. The probiotics help to replenish the dwindling gut flora and the prebiotic fiber help to nourish the bacteria which in turn helps repair leaky gut. Learn the difference and benefits of Prebiotics and Probiotics!
If re-establishing gut health is on your mind, dietary supplements are the easiest solution, find out the 10 Top Trending Leaky Gut Supplements from here! Not all of them follow the probiotic, prebiotic path. Some opt to take a different approach. One such supplement is Gut Connect 365 from United Naturals. Before you read on, you must know that before supplements have to be consumed, it is always better to consult a certified medical doctor prior to starting the use of this or any supplement. It is all the more ideal that you seek medical advice if you suffer from pre-existing conditions and are on prescription medication.
United Natural Gut Connect 365

Just in case you found more than one official website for the product, United Naturals is now Nature M.D.
Gut Connect 365 is a vegan and soy-free supplement that claims to support the gut microbiome and the gut lining. It also claims to improve nutrient absorption and boost the immune system. Considering that nutrient absorption and 90% of the immune system are influenced by the gut, this is a fair claim. This dietary supplement was created with the sole purpose of correcting leaky gut syndrome and it is the only powder supplement that contains 5000mg of the essential amino acid L-Glutamine (more on that in a bit). You could also use this supplement as a healthy meal replacement shake to help you with weight management. The Gut Connect 365 claim to support and repair the gut lining which is bolstered by its use of nine essential superfoods instead of the traditional approach of probiotics.
The product is easy enough to take. One scoop of the powder mixed in with 8oz of water and this needs to be taken just once a day. Should you experience any ill effects, it is suggested that you start with half a scoop a day to help the body adjust. Gut Connect 365 comes in two natural flavors –
- Vanilla cinnamon and
- Chocolate coconut.
With one scoop a day, a bottle of Gut Connect 365 should last you 30 days.
What are the Health Benefits of Gut Connect 365?
The official website cites conditions in which this dietary supplement can make a difference like if you are constantly sick and your immune system is not as strong or if you are suffering from leaky gut syndrome or if your body is not receiving the nutrients, it so desperately needs. These aren’t the only circumstances in which the product can help you. You do have the option of taking Gut Connect 365 to protect and preserve a healthy gut lining.
Following are the health benefits you should expect from this dietary supplement:
- As a cumulative effect of the ingredients used, you should see a significant improvement in digestive health conditions and gut health as well. This means that you will see a lower frequency of gastrointestinal symptoms like gas, bloating, and stomach pain.
- A healthy gut would allow for maximum nutrient absorption from the food that you consume. This would be characterized by the absence of fatigue, more energy, and improved mood.
- Since the gut is the seat of the immune system, you will no longer fall sick as often. The immune response is strengthened and supported.
What isn’t so impressive is that these claims are standard when it comes to gut health supplements. There is nothing so unique about this particular product except the blend of ingredients used. Let’s take e closer look at that.
What’s in the Gut Connect 365 Formula?
Unlike the others, Gut Connect 365 uses natural herbs and organic compounds to support gut health and decrease intestinal permeability. The formula has been clinically researched but has not been tested by a third-party facility. Even though the use of natural ingredients reduces the chances of having adverse effects on the digestive system, it is advisable to seek medical advice beforehand to check for allergies and possible reactions to medication. The natural ingredients include:
- L-glutamine is one of the non-essential amino acids and is required for the synthesis of proteins in the body.
- It works to remove ammonia from the body which is a common waste product and is even considered crucial for immune response, brain function, and digestive health.
- L-glutamine has many health benefits promoting muscle growth and decreasing muscle wasting, boosting athletic performance, endurance and recovery, improving metabolism, and safeguarding from cardiovascular disease. In cases of injury, illness, or even stress, production of this amino acid drops in which case, glutamine supplementation is required.
- For gut health l-glutamine is essential as it improves gastrointestinal symptoms and supports the gut lining.
- As a supplement one can use it for IBS, IBD, colitis, ulcers Crohn’s disease, or leaky gut syndrome.
- Because glutamine is a source of fuel for the intestinal cells, it has been found to enhance gut health by nourishing the intestinal cells and treating the leaky gut. It even helps with ulcers.
Quercetin Dihydrate
Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many fruits, flowers, and vegetables.
- They are antioxidants and clear the body of free radicals which damage cell walls and influence DNA behavior.
- Moreover, they stabilize cells that release histamine so they have an anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine effect. Like l-glutamine, quercetin prevents immune cells from releasing histamines and this could help with symptoms of allergies.
- It also reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancers, and autoimmune diseases.
- Quercetin enhances intestinal barrier function and improves gut microbiome composition. This could help you steer clear of colonic and gastrointestinal diseases.
Slippery Elm Bark
- Resident to the North American continent, slippery elm bark was first used by the native Americans as a remedy for fevers, coughs, and wounds.
- When mixed with water, it makes a slimy substance that has a soothing effect. This tree bark can help boost digestive health too.
- It is demulcent – can soothe the stomach lining and intestines.
- Slippery elm bark has shown promise when it comes to remedying irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.
- If you are constipated, slippery elm could also act as a laxative. Because the slippery elm bark makes a slimy substance when mixed with water, it could potentially help protect the mucosal lining easing stomach discomfort.
Organic Marshmallow Root
- Marshmallow root can be found in Asia, Africa, and Europe and has been a part of traditional medicine since time immemorial for a healthy digestive system, respiratory conditions, and skin health. It is effective because of its mucilage.
- Clinical research suggests that organic marshmallow root can treat a wide range of digestive issues like constipation, heartburn, and intestinal colic.
- This herb could also restore a healthy digestive system by helping to soothe irritation and inflammation in the gut lining.
- Additional health benefits include helping with skin irritation, sore throats, and heart conditions and organic marshmallow root is also a diuretic.
- It was traditionally used for pain relief even.
N-Acetyl Glucosamine
- This is a chemical that is extracted from the outer shells of shellfish and it helps maintain and healthy gut lining.
- Usually recommended for IBD, as a supplement n-acetyl glucosamine can decrease the symptoms of the IBDs, osteoarthritis, and several other conditions.
It even alleviates joint pain and improves bone health. Even though scientific research has found it hard to establish how glucosamine can help with inflammation in the body. However, if you happen to be allergic to shellfish, this supplement is a no-go.
*Note: This chemical is unsafe to use if you are over the age of 60, and suffer from diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure.
Licorice Root Extract
Licorice root is one of the oldest herbal remedies in the world and has been a part of traditional eastern and western medicine for a long time. Though clinical research only supports some of its uses, licorice root extract has found its way into several dietary supplements, particularly those for gut health. The root contains several plant compounds which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. The health benefits of licorice root extract include:
- Treating peptic ulcers,
- Alleviating skin conditions,
- Easing respiratory complications,
- Lowering the risk of cancer,
- Aiding weight loss and
- Maintaining dental hygiene.
- For gut health, licorice root extract can help with indigestion, acid reflux, and heartburn. What it does for the gastrointestinal disease is still unclear.
Aloe Vera Extract
You will find aloe vera everywhere – from juice boxes to medicine cabinets. That is because the number of health claims that aloe vera can make is many.
- Initially used almost exclusively for skin care and healing, aloe vera is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant.
- The slimy texture is cool and that is why it is best for burns or cuts; it accelerates the healing of wounds too.
- When consumed, aloe vera introduces several beneficial plant compounds to the body and this helps with a variety of issues like diabetes control, getting rid of bad breath, and acts as a natural laxative.
*Note: Though the role of aloe vera extract in gut supplements is questionable, scientific research led to conflicting results. Aloe vera can help with easing the digestive process, however, the effect it could have on long-term gut health is questionable.
Maitake Mushroom Extract
- Borrowed from Japanese medicine, maitake mushrooms are adaptogens – they help the body fight and adjust to physical and mental stress, and they work to set right the imbalances created in the body.
- Maitake mushroom extract is being researched as a possible prevention of cancer and type 2 diabetes.
- It also helps with cholesterol control, better immune response, and keeping blood pressure low.
- As for gut health benefits, maitake mushroom extract may improve the composition and health of the gut microbiome because it contains fiber and glucans.
Zinc Orotate
This version of zinc is traditionally used to treat zinc deficiency and its symptoms like osteoporosis, hypogonadism, diabetes, atrophy, and low white blood cell count. It is the more bioavailable version of zinc as its small size allows it to pass through membranes easily. The link between zinc and gastrointestinal disease is unclear, though it was looked at as a possible remedy for the leaky gut syndrome. A study conducted in 2001 found that zinc supplements helped to strengthen the gut lining of patients with Crohn’s disease and in 2015, zinc proved to modify the junctions in the intestinal wall limiting permeability.
Additional components like MCT oil, Stevia leaf extract, glucose saccharides syrup solids, modified starch, silica, and mono-diglycerides have been used to protect the integrity of the product. They have no active role in gut health maintenance.

Is Gut Connect 365 Worth Buying?
A good way to figure this out is by weighing in on what works and what doesn’t. Here is what works:
- Gut Connect 365 is a natural gut health supplement which means that the ingredients used are natural and legal
- The ingredients are effectively dosed and do benefit overall health.
- It may be able to reduce the severity of gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease.
However, that is about it, when it comes to why you should buy the product. Gut Connect 365 makes claims of alleviating intestinal permeability issues but it may not be able to do so. Why give it a miss? There are several reasons.
- Many Gut Connect 365 reviews mention that for the benefits one reaps, the price is higher than similar products.
- The brand makes health claims that it cannot possibly guarantee – like better nutrient absorption and a stronger immune system.
- Too many non-active ingredients and additives.
- A healthy gut, herbs, and natural compounds do not make much of a difference to gut health – Gut Connect 365 has completely overlooked the role of probiotics in a healthy gut and has no ingredients that can provide probiotic content.
- The supplement cannot be taken by pregnant or lactating women.
- It contains allergens like n-acetyl glucosamine.
- Gut health benefits are limited as the dietary supplement only addressed the symptoms of digestive issues.
- Gut Connect 365 may interact with glutamate-blocking drugs or antihypertensives. Those with heart or kidney problems should seek medical advice before use of the supplement.
There are more reasons to avoid Gut Connect 365 than to buy it. Should you still wish to obtain the product – the following are the details.
How to Get Gut Connect 365?
You can order the product through its official website. You can choose from either of two natural flavors and you could choose between making a ‘single purchase’ or ‘purchasing in packs’. The bulk packs would cost you lesser than otherwise.
Here are the prices mentioned for “One-Time Purchase” Option:
- One jar of Gut Connect 365 would set you back $54,
- 3 jars would cost $134.
- And 6 jars, would cost $244.
Here are the prices mentioned for “Subscribe & Save” Option:
- One jar of Gut Connect 365 would set you back $49.
- 3 jars would cost $120.
- And 6 jars, would cost $220.
You can make avail yourself of the 60-day refund policy in case you are not satisfied with the product. However, there have been some issues reported about the claims so read the terms and conditions completely before making a commitment. Gut Connect 365 is also available on Amazon, but the authenticity is still a question.
Hazel W. (UK)
I have been taking Gut Connect 365 for a few months now and I can definitely feel a difference in my gut health. I have struggled with digestive issues for years and this supplement has helped to alleviate those symptoms. I also feel like my immune system has been stronger since taking it. I would recommend Gut Connect 365 to anyone looking to improve their gut health and boost their immune system. It has been a game-changer for me.
Liam S.(USA)
I appreciate that it is vegan and soy-free, as I try to avoid those ingredients in my diet. The fact that it supports the gut microbiome and gut lining is a huge plus for me, as I understand the importance of a healthy gut for overall health. Overall, I am very satisfied with this supplement and will continue to take it. 3.0 out of 5 stars Highly recommend for gut health.
Summary & Verdict
Gut Connect 365 is a dietary supplement that helps with digestive issues and especially leaky gut syndrome. It also claims to improve the immune system and nutrient absorption.
- However, the product may not be able to meet these claims as Gut Connect 365 uses ingredients like aloe vera extract and l-glutamine that may benefit overall health but not gut health specifically.
- There is also insufficient evidence backing the efficacy of the ingredients used.
- The official site does not link any scientific research about the components in the product either.
Healthy eating and following a healthy lifestyle would certainly earn benefits similar to that of taking Gut Connect 365. Before you buy this supplement, do conduct some additional research and if you are looking for a gut health supplement, there are better products out there, such as the Biotics 8 for Men by Bauer Nutrition and the YourBiology Gut+ for Women by Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited.