LIGAN 4033 for Muscle Gains
“I added more calories to my diet and started taking LIGAN 4033 on a daily basis along with my workout and I’ve probably added 10lbs of pure muscle.” – So says Bryson P., a verified customer of LIGAN 4033. The next time you hit the gym, you might start to wonder if the above words are true or otherwise and maybe even become a little curious as to how natural SARM alternatives helped Bryson gain lean muscle.
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Whatever your reasons may be, you are here because you are more than a little fascinated in building some quality muscle, and that too in lesser time. In athletics or aesthetics, bodybuilding is not easy. It takes time and energy and commitment and a whole lot of sweat. Let’s say you are ready to invest your time, energy, and sweat into this endeavor, and let’s say you are all geared up to begin, how do you get your body ready? Good question, yes? There is more than a slight chance that at some point your body might say enough! The easiest solution is fitness supplements. A little boost that your body will thank you for and something that will give you the body you wish to have.

The Need for Alternative Supplements
Historically speaking the boost first appeared in the form of anabolic steroids – synthetically produced variants of testosterone. In 1935, Germany, anabolic steroids were used to treating depression. How the Russian weightlifters figured out to use them to enhance performance in the 1954 Olympics we may never know but that is what happened. From athletes to the masses, the use of steroids was so rampant that in 1990 Congress passed the Anabolic Steroid Act, describing steroids as a controlled substance and penalized the making, selling, and possessing of steroids. What steroids do is that they increase lean mass and which results in rapid muscle gain when used in conjunction with weight training. But apart from that these synthetic compounds also give you high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, artery damage, liver tumors, hepatitis, tendon injury, acne, jaundice and hormonal imbalance, to just name a few. They were made illegal for a reason.
In the late 1990s were discovered SARMs – Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. Studied as a potential treatment for cancer, osteoporosis, and multiple sclerosis, it again trickled down to the fitness industry. SARMs became popular as they have mass-building, fat-cutting, endurance, and recovery properties. Sound familiar? It’s exactly what you need when you go to the gym. However, there are side effects – mood swings, decreased testicular size and acne. They are not approved of by the FDA. The World Anti-Doping Agency has prohibited the use of SARMs at all times for all athletes. If found SARMs positive, you will be banned from competing, whatever the level and probably banned for life.
Just so you know to steer clear, the most popular SARMs are Osta 2866 Ostarine MK-2866, Testol 140 Testolone RAD-140, C-Dine Cardarine GW-501516, Ibutamoren MK-677 and Ligandrol LGD-4033, and if you are tested positive for such substances, your career is doomed.
Hence, Crazybulk offers LIGAN 4033 as a natural option to Ligandrol LGD-4033. Before discussing the safe and legal alternative, let’s take a look at the SARM.
Ligandrol LGD-4033

To begin, you have to know that Ligandrol LGD-4033 is one of the many drugs that are illegally included and marketed as fitness supplements. When such supplements were tested, it was found that a greater part of these products did not use the SARMs at all but a “substance of unknown origin” was found instead. This is most probably because it is illegal to manufacture, produce, market, or possess pure SARMs for human consumption. Some supplements are contaminated by Ligandrol LGD-4033 and this is dangerous. The FDA has clarified that Ligandrol is not a dietary supplement and is not fit for human consumption.
Ligandrol LGD-4033 was never really created for aesthetic purposes. It was made for therapeutic reasons as it recreates the performance of the hormone testosterone. Muscle atrophy was a serious concern when it came to conditions like osteoporosis, weak muscles, and muscle-wasting. Ligandrol was used to replace anabolic steroid-based remedies to help patients accelerate muscle recovery and build stronger bones. But it was this feature specifically that endeared it to the fitness world.
This selective androgen receptor modulator attaches itself to the androgen receptors found in bone and muscle. Androgens are hormones responsible for sexual development in males which is why Ligandrol favors muscle building just like testosterone would. As Ligandrol connects with the androgen receptors, it multiplies the efficacy for anabolic activity which incites muscle building and strong bones.
Pros of Ligandrol LGD-4033
When used for fitness purposes, this is a dream drug. Ligandrol, along with an exercise program, aids to accelerate muscle development and helps in maintaining muscle mass while reduces body fat for more definition. It supports rapid bone building and raises stamina and strength for quick shortened recovery time. By the end of a cycle of use, Ligandrol would be able to give you the athletic prowess of a professional.
It is ideal for recomposition and has notable sculpting effects. Furthermore, there is a possibility that it enhances mental performance and health.
Cons of Ligandrol LGD-4033
- Ligandrol LGD-4033 is an investigational drug. There have been no long-term studies conducted to test the dosage, safety, or consequences of the drug.
- It is not approved by the FDA but is instead warned against Ligandrol.
- There is also a very real chance of needing PCT – Post Cycle Therapy after the drug is used. PCT is usually required after the use of anabolic steroids. This step is important but not easy. It can only reduce the negative effects of Ligandrol LGD-4033 to a certain extent.
The potential side effects are pretty scary too. The minor ones include headaches, dry mouth, and reduced testosterone. The major costs include the risk of increased heart attacks, strokes, liver damage, and decreased levels of good cholesterol.
Naturally Building Muscle with LIGAN 4033; The Natural Alternative to Ligandrol LGD-4033
Ligandrol LGD-4033 might sound like a good idea now, but it is a waiting game that you play since you never know when, or to what extent, the side effects would kick in. Crazybulk is aware of the demands of the fitness arena and knows the drugs used even better. That is why this fitness brand created natural alternatives for the quality muscle gains that you want. Natural alternatives are sometimes regarded as a poor relative of the real thing but that is not the case here. LIGAN 4033 from Crazybulk gives you the ability to build lean muscle mass, accelerate muscle recovery and add to your bone mineral density for stronger bones while keeping your body’s natural testosterone production untouched.

Learn more about Ligan 4033, the newest nutritional supplement for your precious muscles!
How LIGAN 4033 Work?
Crazybulk offers you a choice of supplements when it comes to extreme muscle building. Instead of going down the chemical route, Crazybulk opts to use nature’s goodness to give you the raw anabolic power you want. By using naturally occurring components in a unique formula, LIGAN 4033 is the answer to your muscle growth needs. Let’s take a look at these natural components.
Vitamin D3: This vitamin is often overlooked which is central to a lot of body functions and it can help you with your exercise program. Calcium is crucial for strong bones but without vitamin D3 the calcium wouldn’t deposit on bones. Without this, your body would first slow down and then stop the process of depositing calcium onto your bones eventually making them weaker and brittle. A fracture is the last thing you need when trying to lift a 100lbs. Research conducted in 2010 published that 70% of men had some level of vitamin D deficiency. This dearth of D3 brings about muscle atrophy and weakness. Furthermore, D3 is responsible for lowering blood pressure, ensuring artery elasticity, and glycemic control. This vitamin keeps your ticker ticking. You also don’t have to worry about type 2 diabetes. Muscle, bone, blood, and heart – D3 is what you need in oodles to start gaining muscle mass.
VitaCholine: Choline is a nutrient similar to the Vitamin B complex and it is what keeps your nerves talking to each other. Without it, you wouldn’t recall your name, who you were, or how to write. The body cannot produce choline so it must be added in the form of a proper diet or supplements. It is pivotal for lipid metabolism and keeping your liver healthy, which in turn keeps the body healthy. Choline enhances the sending and receiving of messages between the brain and muscle fibers and, most importantly, reduces symptoms of fatigue. This translates to rapid muscle recovery and quick recovery time.
Methyl Sulfonyl Methane: MSM, as it is also known, is a powerful anti-inflammatory that is used to treat arthritis, osteoarthritis, and tendonitis. It helps show free radicals the exit – enabling rapid recovery and supports the body’s ability to repair connective tissue – strong tendons build quality muscle. Muscle pain and muscle fatigue are common post-exercise and MSM aids in the reduction of this and joint pain as well.
Beetroot: This humble vegetable is good for a lot more than soup or salad. A powerhouse of nutrients minus the calories, it keeps your blood pressure in check because of the nitrates present that widen blood vessels, especially under strenuous conditions, as a result, it is highly used in male enhancement supplements. The nitrates also affect physical performance by improving the energy production in your cells. Beetroots also can help with inflammation and digestive health.
Caffeine Anhydrous: This is an excellent way to jump-start your nervous system. It rids fatigue and can stimulate athletic performance. It’s so effective that the WADA banned the use of caffeine and the ban was lifted only in 2004. Even though it has no meaningful effect on muscle growth, caffeine allows your body to keep going for longer. Longer training sessions at the gym would definitely reap results.
Schisandra: An adaptogen – a class of natural substances that help the body resist and recover from environmental stressors. Used traditionally to help with failing livers, Schisandra has brilliant fat-burning properties. By galvanizing your liver into optimum function, this component helps detoxify and helps you lose those extra pounds. It also promotes blood circulation enabling greater blood flow to the muscles, where you need it most.
Cortisol is your friend; it is released into the bloodstream after strenuous activity and it helps maintain the balance of energy and increases glucose that helps you to keep functioning. Schisandra enables cortisol release.

The Changes Within
Since all the elements are natural you can rest assured that the changes that occur in your body are innate and not a chemical abomination.
- Ligan 4033 includes beetroot extract which is the most effective nitric oxide enhancer out there. The nitrates in beetroot boost nitric oxide generation in your body which improves blood flow to the muscles and allows for elevated stamina, power production, and muscle growth.
- LIGAN 4033 also reduces inflammation and oxidative damage. An inflammation is triggered by the wearing of muscles during intense workouts which results in a longer recovery. This after effect is almost nullified.
- LIGAN 4033 enables lipid metabolism – a process where fat cells are broken down to be used as consumable energy.
- VitaCholine enhances the metabolism making sure that you lose the layer of fat covering new muscle mass and that you have intense power to spare.
- LIGAN 4033 can alleviate joint discomfort, give enhanced strength, and huge gains and raise testosterone levels naturally – all this using natural alternatives.
Why Choose LIGAN 4033?
Let’s begin with the fact that LIGAN 4033 is legal. The SARMs Ligandrol LGD-4033 is a highly regulated drug that is deemed unfit for human consumption. It may have a lot of benefits but the testing for long-term effects is still pending and it is a risk that not many are willing to take. Crazybulk’s LIGAN 4033, is legal because it is safe and uses natural ingredients that have a solid scientific backing.
LIGAN 4033 raises energy levels to unbelievable extents because it includes stimulants like caffeine. There may even be a burst of energy from beetroot, but caffeine does most of the work. With this, you find that you have the energy to spare for longer exercise sessions. The gains that you see would be proof enough.
Naturally raising testosterone levels is what most fitness supplements claim but doing so is tricky business. Testosterone is a hormone and any imbalance can cause several ill effects. LIGAN 4033 doesn’t suppress testosterone but lifts this hormone production. Anabolic steroids would suppress natural testosterone which is what led to the androgynous side effects. With your testosterone levels raised, you will see the anabolic gains easily.
The components of LIGAN 4033 are put together to help you improve lean body mass. The raised testosterone levels are only the beginning. You will soon find a better definition from fat loss and all kinds of lean muscle mass gains within weeks of using the supplement.
Long recovery periods are going to be a thing of the past. The nitrates from beetroot increase your vascularity and you get better pumps with each day. The supplement has a cumulative effect and over time you will find that the exercise regimes get easier and the gains superior.
The best feature of LIGAN 4033 is that there are no known side effects. Since all the elements used are 100% natural there are no consequences to using them. To have any ill effect, the supplement must be consumed in astronomical amounts. So, it is suggested that you stick to the recommended dosage and also go to a licensed healthcare provider so they can assess your health condition.
Benefits of Using LIGAN 4033
Crazybulk is a pioneer in the fitness world and prides itself on the products it puts forth to the market. The supplements are manufactured based on scientific research and all the components are tested for effectiveness – something some similar companies can’t claim.
According to Crazybulk, the continued use of LIGAN 4033 should show the following changes:
- An overall increase in natural testosterone resulting in more energy and endurance.
- As an outcome of the increased stamina, the ability to perform for longer and better.
- A boost in muscle growth and loss of fat which would have you looking more defined.
- Reduced muscle fatigue and rapid recovery from exercise.
- No side effects, unlike anabolic steroids or SARMs.

Did You Know?

Crazybulk gives you high quality products that can be stacked. LIGAN 4033 is no exception. You can opt for the Crazybulk SARMs Bulking Stack – there are no SARMs involved. Rather, this stack includes all the natural alternatives for SARMs like Testol 140 for Testolone RAD 140, OSTA 2866 for Ostarine MK-2866, IBUTA 677 for Ibutamoren MK-677, and LIGAN 4033 for Ligandrol LGD-4033.
In case your long hours at the gym and healthy eating habits are not as fruitful as you expected them to be, this stacking option is perfect for you. This is the whole package –
- The natural ability to gain and build muscle mass and strength,
- Extreme energy
- Muscle growth
- Lean muscle definition
- Faster healing process
- Enhanced male sexual performance.
… and all this from an all-natural supplement stack with no adverse effects.
You will be able to fight fatigue, lift heavier weights and gain enhanced strength once you start a course with each element in the stack contributing towards a different problem area. If you are looking for a full-body overhaul, you might want to check on the stack instead of just one supplement.
How to Dose Ligan-4033?
The sufficient daily dose is simple – 4 capsules with a glass of water 20 minutes ahead before your first meal of the day and you’re all set. Regardless of whether you plan on working out or not, LIGAN 4033 will do its job – even on non-workout days. Crazybulk does recommend that you continue taking the supplement for at least 2 to 3 months to enjoy maximum benefits.
Getting LIGAN 4033 and Price
Crazybulk is pretty aware of the black markets and the dubious fitness drugs making rounds. As a safeguard against this, Crazybulk does not market its products anywhere else. You can purchase LIGAN 4033 directly from their Official Crazy Bulk Website and there are several offers available should you wish to buy in bulk, Click Here.
- A bottle – a month’s worth, can be had for $69.99.
- Two bottles for $139.99 + 1 bottle free and
- Three months’ worth for $209.99 + 2 bottles free.
Should you, at any point, change your mind about your purchase, you can always get a refund for the unopened and unused bottles. A refund cannot be processed for used products.
Faze G. (California, USA)
“I’ve been using Ligan-4033 for four weeks now and have seen a significant increase in muscle size and strength. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking to improve their gains in the gym.”
Declan S. (Melbourne, Australia).
“Ligan-4033 has given me the perfect lean physique that I have always wanted. It has helped me burn fat and build muscles in a healthy and sustainable way. I would definitely suggest this supplement to anyone looking to achieve a great physique without any health risks.”
Martin B. (Hamilton, New Zealand)
“Since using Ligan-4033, I have found that my workouts have become much more intense and I am able to push myself further than before. Overall, I am extremely pleased with the product and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their workouts.”
Weston L. (Toronto, Canada)
“I started taking Ligan-4033 about a month ago and I have to say that I really feel the difference. I have more energy and I’m more alert. I also feel more focused and my thinking process seems to be a bit clearer. I would definitely recommend it to anyone that is looking for an energy boost.”
Parker E. (Dublin, Ireland)
“I was skeptical at first, but Ligan-4033 really helped me recover quickly from my workouts. I was blown away by how fast my muscles felt better and I was able to get back to the gym sooner. Definitely recommend this to anyone who is serious about their fitness!”
Maddox C. (Woodlands, Singapore)
“Since I’ve been using Ligan-4033, I’ve had so much more energy and stamina. It’s allowed me to be more productive and I’ve even lost weight since I’ve been using it! I am secretly in love with this supplement.”
Abbas K. (Sharjah, UAE)
“I have more energy and endurance since I’ve been using Ligan-4033. I sleep better, have more motivation, and overall feel better.”
In case you are still on the fence about LIGAN 4033, let us sum it up for you. It is the ultimate supplement that is natural, safe, and a legal SARM alternative that will help you with muscle growth, extreme energy, and a better-defined body. You need to have no worries about side effects as there are none. If bulking and natural muscle mass growth is the goal then this supplement is highly recommended.
To enjoy the bulking benefits of Ligandrol LGD-4033, try the Crazybulk’s Ligan 4033 that is made with 100% natural ingredients, Click Here!

Also Read: Testolone RAD-140 VS Ligandrol LGD-4033: Potent SARMS for the Growth of Lean Body Mass!