The Peacebuilding Portal is the ICT component of the Conflict Management Capacity-Building Project and it aims to promote collaboration and consultation among organizations and individuals working in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The Peacebuilding Portal aims to support multilateral collaboration on conflict prevention & peacebuilding by offering local, national, and multi-lateral stakeholders a real-time web tool to strengthen their work and better respond to issues surrounding human security, peacebuilding & conflict.
The Portal assists those in civil society, local and national governments, and the international community with information on a specific country or conflict theme in a results based, real time way. It provides data tailored to meet the specific informational needs of different users in that, for example, with regard to a specific conflict formation, one can search and access information on organizations based on their particular expertise, geographic focus or types of projects implemented, thereby strengthening the user’s capacity to collaborate with local organizations or initiatives.
The Peacebuilding Portal provides a practical way to connect with local, national, and international peacebuilding organizations; locate specific data on related projects and programmes that are implemented by the NGOs in a country or geographical region; and identify NGOs working on particular themes within conflict management and peacebuilding. Some of the relevant themes include: Peace-building/ Conflict Management/Post Conflict, Gender Issues, Disarmament, Education, Refugees/IDP, Children/Youth, Environment/Land, Development, Media/Advocacy, and Human Rights. The value-added of the Portal is that it is not a static web directory, but rather a dynamic interactive content management system, which profiles the objectives and activities of each NGO, not just their contact information.
The Portal team aims to empower civil society to share information and network with their communities and with the world and with the UN. The Portal has many “thematic partners” who share this principle, please go to the links and individual thematic pages on the Portal to learn more about our important UN family partners.