The best vent out for any man is sex. It is the main gift of nature that has been provided to mankind and it is a natural stress buster. It has the most stress-relieving capability and also it helps maintain a stable mood for a person. Not only that but sex also helps a man in gaining self-confidence and helps in maintaining his dominant side. Yet, men are usually unable to maintain a healthy sex life as well as their hormone level starts to decline at a rate faster than before, after the age of 30. Hence what to do?
Table of Contents
Well, male supplementation is the best solution to all these problems. Yet in this competitive market, every product has a copy of itself and the same is the case for such male enhancers as well. Thus, it becomes difficult for customers to decide which one is the authentic one. Ergo, to save the customers from all that sweat, here is a detailed comparison among the leading male supplements.
All of the products in this list are well-acclaimed and have not failed to provide effective results. Yet one will always opt for the best of the best and settle for nothing less. The main ace players in this market of male supplements are Performer 8, Extenze, and Zyrexin.

Hence, the comparison has been elucidated so that everyone gets a clear understanding of how all of them work and also can choose the most suitable product for themselves.
No. #1: What is Performer 8?

Performer 8 is the most appropriate male sexual booster that a male can opt for when he is experiencing some serious sexual issues with age. It is a strong blend of 9 unique ingredients; all of which have been directly derived from nature. The blend which Performer 8 provides is completely authentic to itself and also it is completely safe and legal to use. It is a fast-acting supplement that will make you reach the peak of your performance levels within a matter of 30 days. Yet, one should not misunderstand this high effective rate as dangerous as it is a product that is completely safe to use.
Unlike other fake supplements in the market, there is no direct inclusion of hormones in the product. All the ingredients work collaboratively to bring about results by stimulating certain organs and the release of certain hormones.
Benefits of Using Performer 8
- Massive Erections
- Improve in Erection Girth
- Precise Control over Ejaculation for a Satisfying Climax
- Aggravated Libido
- Keen Sexual Focus
- Higher Levels of Testosterone
- Fortified Semen Quality in terms of Motility and Volume.
The dosage of this product is simple to get accustomed to and anyone can fit in this habit within their daily routine. One needs to dose himself with 3 pills of the supplement, every-day for a minimum of 30 days to witness solid results. It is recommended to take the dosage along with a meal as the absorbing system of the body will be active at that time.
Nonetheless, it can be also taken on an empty stomach as there is nothing so complicated in the composition which will be tough to digest. A healthy diet and proper sleeping structures are something that everyone must have but, in this case, it will radically heighten the performance rate of the supplement.
Side Effects of Using Performer 8

Performer 8 has been made with only the finest and natural ingredients. Performer 8 is a blend of nine powerful ingredients. It rapidly builds up with your system and helps in enhancing your sexual system. Hence it is a cycle that has no side effects.
Also, it is a non-stimulant that will work without a doctor’s prescription. Yet it is recommended that one should consult with a health professional before starting the health regimen (in the event where one already has a reported medical condition). Since it is a product made for men of 40 or above, taking such measures would be wise.
It assists in reversing the signs of aging in men that become much evident after a particular point in time. Yet one should stay rest-assured as the production of this supplement takes place at an FDA-registered, cGMP-complaint facility. All the ingredients individually go through tough inspection and all the manufacturing facilities at the factory are checked and scrutinized.
To Buy Performer 8 now, click here to visit its Official Website.
No. #2: What is ExtenZe?

The ideal male enhancement whose power knows no bounds is what ExtenZe is all about. It is a supplement that holds the potential to solve all the problems related to a man’s sexual performance and also along with that it increases the sexual focus and the desire to have more sex. It is a supplement that is so powerful that athletes of any kind are banned from using it.
ExtenZe helps you in achieving bigger, stronger, and even harder erections. Not only that but your orgasm will become much more intense. Usually, the men are the ones who finish their meal in a hurry while the women keep fondling the starters. Hence, the women’s sexual desire remains hungry and hence it gives rise to conflicts in their relationship. This has led to the breakage of various relationships and is not at all healthy for a man’s self-esteem. So need not worry when you chose ExtenZe.
Well, how is ExtenZe so powerful? The answer is simple but overly effective. ExtenZe is a product that makes your blood rush at an extravagant pace that a humongous amount of blood is allowed in the three erectile chambers of the penis. More the blood harder the erection. The key to such effectivity is its unique herbal blend.
Every one of its ingredients has been hand-selected to increase the flow of blood into the penis. Along with that, it is also made sure that one can retain such a good erection for a longer time. There has been kept no room for anything artificial or narcotic. It has only been made sure that the body is supplemented with 100% natural dosages which will enable a better sex life while assuring the safety of the person.
Benefits of Using ExtenZe

- Heightened Sexual Desire
- Solves all Erection Problems
- Increased Semen Density
- Enhanced Orgasmic Feelings
- Boost your Sexual Stamina
- Long-Lasting Sex.
Dose of ExtenZe
One should take one capsule of Extenze each day with water an hour before engaging in sex or every morning with breakfast. It is guaranteed that the person will witness explosive results within 8 weeks of dosage. To maintain such a performance level, one should make sure that he is in the daily supplement routine for as long as possible.
Side Effects of Using ExtenZe
There are no possibilities of any kind of Side Effects as all of the ingredients of the products have been openly discussed. It can be seen by a person in its supplement facts that all the ingredients used are natural. Side Effects only arise when the body detects something foreign to it. Side Effects are nothing but warning signals of your body that alarms the body when it feels something is out of place. Since all the ingredients of the supplement are completely natural your body will not feel something to be out of place and easily metabolize all the ingredients into pure energy required to aggravate your sex life.
To Book, your pack of ExtenZe, click here to visit Official Website.
No. #3: What is Zyrexin?

Zyrexin is a dietary supplement that has been rated as the number one sex pill in the world. Zyrexin is the only natural sex pill that is covered by a U.S. patent and along with that, it is also covered by numerous other International Patent numbers. All of it is due to the proprietary blend of Butea Superba. It is a compound that has no comparison to any other. Through the experience of several years, it has been repeatedly proven that this compound can make men of all ages switch to Zyrexin pretty easily.
The main attractive factor about this supplement is that it can act within less than 1 hour. Yet, the effect genuinely stays up to 24 hours, which of course can put your work-life at stake. It is a product that is made for rapid sexual action. Ergo, one should not mistake its massive effects rate with something artificial. Zyrexin is completely made out of natural ingredients which possess no threat against the body but using it wisely and at the right time is essential.
It has been changing the lives of countless men from around the world and also intends to continue its journey towards solving all the problems a man can have regarding sexual stamina and performance.
Benefits of Using Zyrexin
- Heightened Libido
- Mutual Climax
- Improvement of Erection Quality
- Increased Testosterone Production
- Thickened Semen
- Enhanced Orgasmic Experience
Dose of Zyrexin
It is an instantly effective supplement. Hence one can simply take 1-2 tablets just 45 minutes before sex and you are all geared up for a long session. Also, one should keep in mind that a man should not consume more than 2 tablets in a single day.
Side Effects of Using Zyrexin
There are absolutely no side effects of using Zyrexin but its effect lasts for 24 hours, which can be pretty challenging for you during the daytime. All the composition of this supplement is 100% natural and hence the body will not react to any kind of dosage which is entering the body. Hence, it is for sure that the dosage will not create any kind of disturbance in the body only when the guidelines are followed.
Common Ingredients in all 3 Supplements
Horny Goat Weed – It is a unique ingredient in all three ingredients since it has certain abilities which all of the three supplements intended to retain. This itself proves the potential of Horny Goat Weed also known as Epimedium Extract. It is pretty prevalent in the name as well. It consists of an isolated flavonoid known as icariin which helps in inhibiting the erection deflating enzyme, PDE5.
This way better control is gained upon erection and the quality is also improved. The quality is mainly improved because it also owns the capability of increasing the blood flow into the penis. This way the erections become firmer and more amount of blood also means more amount of oxygen is reaching the penile tissue. And this, of course, helps in the safety factor of the penile tissues.
Common Ingredients in Performer 8 and ExtenZe
- Muira Puama Extract – It is mainly a libido-improving compound that does so by increasing the testosterone count in the body. This is also directly related to the improvement of the erection. These facts have been readily proved as it was witnessed that 51% of the men out of 262 had witnessed a proper improvement in erections.
- Ginseng – It can also be considered as an overall solution for all sexual issues. Not only the erection stiffness but it also helps in penetration and maintenance of that erection. It does so by triggering the release of a handsome amount of testosterone in the body.
Better erection and ejaculation control with better erection quality is all Ginseng has to provide. Ironically it also everything a man desire.
Common Ingredients in Zyrexin and ExtenZe
- L-Arginine – It is a hydrochloric compound that is an amino acid that greatly contributes to the production of protein in the body. As it is pretty much known, the main composition of semen is protein. Above that proteins are also the main character in the making of sex-stimulating hormones.
Hence, this amino acid has often been used for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Since sperm production is increased, this ingredient also helps in solving out issues related to male fertility.
- Yohimbe Extract – It is an ingredient that massively contributes to increasing the rate of metabolism of the body. Hence, it is directly connected to the increase of blood flow. This way a handsome amount of blood also reaches the penis which rather helps in arranging a better erection which can even last for an ample amount of time.
- Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa– It is an extremely powerful aphrodisiac that heightens one’s sexual desires to a significant level thereby treating the root cause of ED and various other sexual dysfunction. This way it can solve many sexual-related functions. It is an ingredient that can be directly derived from nature and hence it does not carry any kind of side effects along with it.
Common Ingredients in Performer 8 and Zyrexin
Besides Horny Goat Weed which has been mentioned already under the Common ingredient section, these 2 male enhancers, namely Performer 8 and Zyrexin do not have any other ingredient that is common in their composition.
Unique Ingredients in Performer 8

- Ashwagandha – The key to attain sexual prowess for men is to rapidly emphasize the testosterone production in their body as it is the governing hormone in a man’s body. Ashwagandha does the exact job but in a different way. Ashwagandha decreases the Cortisol levels in the body.
Cortisol’s are stress-inducing hormones which is also the sworn enemy of testosterone. The amount of Testosterone and Cortisol present in the body is indirectly proportional to each other. This way it acts as a stress-relieving supplement as well.
- Ferrous Bisglycinate -It is an iron variant that can also be considered the easiest one. It is so easy to digest than regular iron. Also, it is a fact that blood is made out of mostly iron. Hence, it increases the blood count and allows more blood to gush into the penis, contributing to a much better erection.
- Maca Root Extract – It is a product that has been used from centuries ago to increase sexual desire. It is a natural aphrodisiac but powerful as well. Overall a strong dose to mentally boost the sexual focus of your brain.
- Pine Bark Extract – From a randomized, placebo-controlled study it has been seen that 22% of the men who were studied had got all sexual and satisfaction issues solved with regular supplementation of this ingredient.
- Glucuronolactone – It is mainly oxidation that helps in the protection duty. Hence, if the blood vessels are protected, they will be more active for greater blood flow to the penis. During studies, it was noticed that there was a 40% reduction in the damages caused to the blood vessels previously which therefore supported a healthy flow of blood.
- Grape Seed Extract: fruit juice extract indeed helps in increasing the nitric oxide content in the blood. Among those Grape Juice Extract is the most valuable one. Nitric Oxide massively affects the vascular system of the body. It helps in the dilation of blood vessels. This way more amounts of blood is allowed inside the penis and hence the quality of the erection is also improved.
Performer 8 is running discount offers on its Official Website, Click to Order!
Unique Ingredients in ExtenZe

- Folate – If the folate amount is low in the body, it can be the main reason to the leading of infertility. Hence ample amounts of folate are essential in the body. It helps in the production of both white blood cells and red blood cells. Hence it provides massive energy boosts and strong sexual motivation.
- Zinc – Zinc has always been the main contributor to testosterone production. Hence it is an absolute must to have ample amounts of testosterone to be present in the body for men. Not only that but zinc also can increase sperm quantity and mobility. This way it is also leading you to experience an amazing orgasm.
- Pregnenolone – It is a hormone made by the Adrenaline gland. It is mainly a strong precursor of testosterone. It also stimulates the increase of other hormones which helps in creating and maintaining a strong sexual urge.
- Piper Longum – It is an ingredient that is doing the psychological part. It has the power to actively control anxiety and depression. In the end, sex is not a physical thing only. Stable Mentality is one of the main things which all individuals need.
- Ginger – Ginger does play the role of handling upset stomachs. Yet that is not the only thing that it can do. Ginger has often been considered an aphrodisiac and is known for supporting an ample amount of blood supply to the genital, which gives a man more enhanced erogenous sensations, hence sexual urges are heightened.
- Tribulus Terrestris – The main two toles Tribulus needs to perform are the massive release of testosterone and DHEA levels. This product can also be complemented with protodioscin. This way not only will the sex be energetic but you can carry on for longer.
- Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid – It plays its part by supplementing the pituitary glands and hypothalamus glands. Both of them are strong precursors of hormones related to the sexual approach.
- Deer Antler – Deer Antler Velvet is like a pool of hormones. It also contains insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). It is produced in the liver as a result of the increased response to GH stimulation, which therefore displays huge benefits in terms of muscle growth, faster metabolism, faster fat burn, speedy recovery of tissues in the muscles after a workout, repair healthy tissues in the brain and other organs including the penis and more.
- Damiana – A famous ingredient that has been found in the South and the central USA for years. It is a natural aphrodisiac. It though helps in curing all the symptoms of lack of sexual stamina, erectile dysfunctions, and more satisfying climaxes.
- Pumpkin – It is responsible for better prostrate well-fare and also contributes to hormone production. As a bonus, it can also solve certain problems related to improper urine flow.
- Nettle – Again an ingredient that massively helps in the betterment of the prostate glands. This way the prostate glands helps in the production of various precursors for sex hormones.
- Astragalus – It is an ingredient that supports the adrenaline gland. This way the rate of metabolism of the body is increased. This improves the fitness and the energy levels of the body so that one can stay far from finishing early in bed.
- Licorice Root – An ingredient that has been used to manage stress. It is also known to manage fluid retention and improvement of mood. And engaging in sex in such circumstances become easier.
- Ho Shu Wu Extract – Century-old Chinese medicine is an herb that is believed to increase virility. It also holds anti-aging properties which is the main source of its fame.
- Hop (strobile) extract – It is a natural treatment for insomnia, yet a lesser-known benefit is its unique ability to improve sex hormones. It massively contributes to the production of testosterone.
- Boron – It is a dietary mineral that is linked to testosterone and estrogen production. In men, it is testosterone that is held responsible for maintaining sexual functions in men as they get older.
Grab the Deals offered by Extenze, Click to visit Official Website.
Unique Ingredients in Zyrexin

- Ginkgo Ext (leaves) – An ingredient that is very crucial for increased blood flow. Enhancing the penis with ample amounts of blood is something that Ginkgo does the best.
- Cnidium Ext – This ingredient massively heightens the libido and sexual performance among men. With the help of this ingredient, your sexual performance will keep your partner in awe.
- Velvet Bean Ext (Seed) – Velvet Beans does increase testosterone levels but that is not the only thing it does. It helps in increasing the dopamine levels of the body as well. This way not only are you being provided with sexual performance but your mood is elevated as well.
- Butea Superba Extract – An Asian herb mainly found in India, China, and Thailand, Butea Superba has been used in Asia for a long time to enhance sexual performance. It helps with the arousal issues regarding men and also helps men last longer in bed.
Which is the Best Male Enhancement Supplement?
It is easy enough to comprehend that among all the products which have been discussed, Performer 8 is the best.
Reasons are:
Not only is its range of ingredients job-specific but nicely explained as well. Above that, it has a strong reputation to back it up with exclusive features like:
- Natural, Safe and Transparent Ingredients with Effective Dose
- Non-GMO, Soy-Free in Composition and Vegan-Friendly Ingredients
- Made in labs certified by the GMP
- No Need for Hard Prescriptions
- Zero Side Effects
- Lifetime Money Back Guarantee.
- Free Worldwide Shipping Options
- And most importantly it is known to work for men of all ages, below and above the 40s.
Hence, no other formula in this or any list can surpass the benefits of Performer 8, as it has been exclusively designed to reverse the sexual deficit that men experience post their 40’s and work in 8 ways to enhance every aspect of the male sexual game, starting from erection quality and ending with an amazing climax.
Tap to stop at Performer 8 Official Website to Order!
If considered so ExtenZe is also not so far behind as it also has the requirements that men look for in a male enhancer. And hence with Extenze, one can too experience:
- Big, Dense, and Erections that are more frequent.
- Intense and Nerve-Shivering Orgasm
- Heightened Endurance for Longer Sexual performance.
And all this is backed up with is 67 days money-back guarantee and an organ-friendly ingredient list that poses no threat to the male system.
Tap to stop at Extenze Official Website to Order!
But Zyrexin on the contrary does have certain drawbacks. Neither is any of its ingredients and amounts are properly explained or mentioned nor does it have any money-back guarantee.
Also, the 24-hour long effect that Zyrexin promises to grant, might sound pretty cool, but think logically, is it safe or even comfortable to work all day with an urge or boner all day long?
Hence, it is pretty dicey if you wish to opt for Zyrexin. But, since you know your needs the best, you can however choose the one you think suits you best (as all live up to its promises) and remember to follow the recommended dose and not to exceed it, especially with Zyrexin, else you might need to run to the emergency room.
Comparing the Facts between Performer 8, Extenze and Zyrexin for an Easy Decision Making
Product | Purpose | Suitability | Monthly Price | Dose | Guarantee |
Performer 8 | To completely change a man’s sex life, even beyond your 40s’. | Anyone above the age of 18 | $64.99 | Three capsules along with the first meal of the morning | Lifetime Money Back Guarantee |
ExtenZe | Improving sexual focus and performance levels | Anyone above the age of 18 | $49.95 | 1 Capsule at the beginning of the day. | 67 Days Money Back Guarantee |
Zyrexin | Long-lasting sex within 45 minutes of dosage. | Anyone above the age of 18 | $119.94 | 1-2 pills 45 minutes before sex. | No Guarantee |

It is true that in this society, being a woman is not easy. But that is a point which has been well established. Yet have anyone given a thought about the struggles faced by men. Form the very beginning men are expected to be strong and as life graduates, they are loaded with unending waves of burden one after another. It is not that men are complaining against it. Men are strong and capable enough to carry on with their responsibilities but that does not make it an easy task. The saddening fact is there is no acknowledges of these facts and for everyone, it is just the normal perspective upon men.
Hence, men need a vent out too and they deserve it to be proper. Hence, Male Enhancement Supplements like Performer 8 and Extenze can be the best partners which men can have to improve their sex life!