The Peacebuilding Portal is a joint activity of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and UNDP in collaboration with the African Union.
The Peacebuilding Portal is part of the Conflict Management Capacity-Building Project, a project of the Governance and Public Administration Branch (GPAB) in the Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) in UNDESA.
We have worked with a group of stellar graduate students from the New School and Columbia University in New York City, St. Johns University in Rome and the Catholic University in Paris. We would like to thank them (and their accompanying co-supervising professors) for being part of our Portal family and dedicating their valuable time to working with the United Nations on this very special project. Our team players have been:
Managing Assistants:
- Annabelle Lefebure
- Katie Doling-Bastianelli
- Enida Wolf
For Africa:
- Christine Weydig
- Jonelle Hooper
- Tiffany Hill
- Aundre Burke
- Nathan Miller
- Aurora Deuss
- Randy Reyes
- Travis Adkins
For Eastern Europe/Central Europe and the CIS:
- Svetlana Solovyeva
- Leyla Sharafi
We would like to thank Professor Jonathon Bach for beginning a great relationship between the New School’s Graduate Program in International Affairs and the United Nations. We have thoroughly enjoyed the active role he has taken in working with the Portal Manager to ensure that dedicated and committed students of every international background could work with us.