The SARMs cutting stack from CrazyBulk is a natural, safe, and legal alternative to some of the best SARMs for cutting. Not to be fooled by the name, the CrazyBulk stack does not include any real chemical substances; instead, the supplements in the stack use natural elements – nutrients, amino acids, herbs, and botanicals that can emulate the benefits that you would expect from the research chemicals but none of the side effects. Considering that the use of SARMs for bodybuilding is a potential health risk and is also banned by professional sports associations around the globe, the CrazyBulk SARMs stack for cutting may be the solution you are looking for.
Table of Contents
The stack includes legal SARMs alternatives, such as
- Ibuta 677 for lean muscle growth and strength
- C-Dine 501516 for rapid fat loss and energy
- Ligan 4033 for bulking and muscle mass preservation
- And last but not least, Stena 9009 for melting body fat and stamina.
The stack is designed to make the cutting phase a much easier process, as each product in the stack is formulated to reduce body fat while simultaneously promoting lean muscle gains. This is achieved by increasing the body’s metabolic rate to consume existing fat cells and using natural ingredients to use excess fat in the body as the primary source of energy. When taken with a calorie-deficit diet and appropriate exercise, you should see the difference in the mirror. Each of the fitness supplements is created to emulate the anabolic gains that the SARMs deliver, but only the benefits, none of the adverse consequences. That is why the CrazyBulk cutting option is quickly becoming a success among athletes because using pure SARMs was never a good idea, regardless of the positive results they manifested. But why are SARMs so popular in the fitness community, anyway? Let us explain.
A Brief Note on SARMs – Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
It is common knowledge that bodybuilders initially opted for anabolic steroids as their preferred toxic substance for growing muscles. Even the classics were rumored to have taken Dianabol to enhance muscle growth. However, the problem with steroids was that they would attach to every androgen receptor in sight, which was why the side effects were phenomenal. Cue SARMs. SARMs were meant to be the reasonable version of anabolic steroids. As the name, selective androgen receptor modulators, suggests, these chemicals were designed to attach to only specific androgen receptors. They were made to provide very precise results, and as a result, the severity and number of side effects were significantly reduced. Since the race to develop the solution to anabolic steroids was on – many research companies developed their SARMs, which would explain the number of SARMs in circulation today. However, they are still research chemicals. None of the SARMs in use today for anabolic gains has been approved by the FDA for human consumption. Many SARMs have not even made it to human clinical trials. Therefore, what you read ahead is largely based on anecdotal evidence. Just because the information is here does not mean that we condone the use of SARMs for bodybuilding purposes. They are bad for you, as you shall see, and they are illegal for human use.
For these reasons, fitness brands like CrazyBulk have dedicated valuable time and resources to the development of safer alternatives for SARMs and anabolic steroids. Since the use of these drugs is prevalent in the fitness community, it takes more than WADA restrictions and side effects scares to stop the practice. CrazyBulk realized that what athletes needed were supplements that could effectively replace anabolic steroids and SARMs. The brand has successfully created a range of products that mimic the benefits of the drugs without any of the consequences. Even though natural supplements have a bad reputation, the CrazyBulk supplements are metaphorically flying off the shelves because they actually work if customer reviews are anything to go by. They also provide stacks as well. The CrazyBulk SARMs bulking stack includes Osta 2866, Ligan 4033, Testol 140, and Ibuta 677, and earlier we mentioned the cutting stack above. Let’s take a closer look at the CrazyBulk SARMs cutting stack in detail in this review.
The CrazyBulk SARMs Cutting Stack
Stacking SARMs is the practice of using more than one SARM during a bulking or cutting cycle. Though the results are close to miraculous, when you stack SARMs, you also stack the side effects, which make such practices potentially dangerous. However, that is not a concern with the natural alternatives. The safer options only add-on benefits. To be clear, let’s take a closer look at each SARM alternative featured in this stack.
CrazyBulk Ibuta 677 vs Ibutamoren MK 677
Ibuta 677 is a natural and safe alternative to Ibutamoren MK 677 that uses natural ingredients to naturally boost growth hormone levels. And because it only enhances the natural production of the hormone, you would experience a variety of benefits in addition to burning fat and lean muscle mass gains, like better sleep for quicker recovery, collagen synthesis for stronger joints, and improved mood and motivation. The natural alternative is such an improvement to the original; it would make you wonder why athletes prefer it in the first place.
The SARM Ibutamoren MK 677 is not actually a selective androgen receptor modulator but is a growth hormone secretagogue that increases human growth hormone levels by binding to ghrelin receptors. This, along with its ability to raise insulin-like growth factor-1 levels, can result in quick muscle building, fat burning, and increased athletic performance. Developed as a possible cure for fibromyalgia and Alzheimer’s disease, Ibutamoren’s ability to boost growth hormone levels made it an essential addition to the bodybuilders’ supplements list. Growth hormone itself is artificially injected because of its benefits of building lean muscle mass and burning fat, so the SARM just made life easier. Ibutamoren does not inhibit the natural production of growth hormone or testosterone but can improve bone density, improve recovery and support immune function. Post-cycle therapy is not required. However, the good news ends there. The use of Ibutamoren also results in hunger pangs and increased appetite, raised prolactin levels, joint pains, insulin resistance, and lethargy. Imagine trying to burn fat when you are constantly hungry. The use of Ibutamoren MK 677 for human consumption is illegal and unsafe hence a legal and safe version, that is, Ibuta 677, was introduced.
Now that you know what the SARM could do to you, it would make for an easy comparison to the CrazyBulk option. Ibuta 677 has no side effects. On the contrary, thanks to its natural ingredients, you get additional health benefits. The ingredients used here include:
- Zinc for increased oxygen intake into the muscle cells for better energy production, boost in stamina, facilitation of various chemical and protein processes, and increased muscle tissue manufacture.
- Vitamin B5 enhances the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbs and increases ATP production, which increases energy levels and is also needed for the production of brain chemicals.
- And last but not least, the use of amino acids l-arginine, glycine, l-glutamine, l-lysine, l-ornithine, and l-tyrosine. These amino acids are required for a number of biological processes, from protein synthesis for muscle growth and repair, mood balance, and hormone production to maintenance of the central nervous system.
Benefits of Ibuta 677
- Naturally boosts HGH production
- Increases muscle size and quality
- Promotes protein synthesis to build muscle mass
- Improves vascularity
- Shortens muscle recovery time with quick repair
- Improves focus, mood, and motivation
- Enhances strength and endurance.
All these benefits are yours to have without the looming fear of side effects or being thrown out of the competition. Unlike the SARM, there is no ambiguity about dosage. You only have to take 4 pills daily, approximately 20 minutes before lifting, and you are all set.
Click to learn more about Ibuta 677 and get 1 Month FREE from the CrazyBulk Official Website
CrazyBulk C-Dine 501516 vs Cardarine GW 501516
This cutting cycle expert is the natural option for Cardarine GW 501516, which is intended to fire up the body’s metabolic rate and to help the body move to a state where it uses body fat as a primary source of fuel, especially when you are on a calorie deficit diet. The supplement allows your body to look more defined and ripped and to bring to the surface the muscle mass that you spent months in the gym to build. C-Dine 501526 uses thermogenesis – a natural increase in the body’s temperature to induce fat loss, which is a lot different from what the SARM does.
The SARM Cardarine GW 501516 was launched in the 1990s as a possible remedy for metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and a possible option for obesity. This is also not a SARM but a PPAR DELTA receptor agonist. The activation of this pathway increases fat metabolism and switches energy production from glucose to stored body fat. It also curbs fat gain by discouraging the storage of fat cells. Cardarine artificially induces the expression of the PPAR DELTA receptor, enhancing fat loss resulting from increased metabolism and thereby increasing athletic performance and endurance in its wake. This increases the body’s ability to lose body fat and can also preserve muscle mass. This made Cardarine good for athletes trying to cut fat and maintain bulk. This drug, too, does not require post-cycle therapy as it does not cause testosterone suppression. Benefits of using the SARM include fat loss, increased insulin sensitivity, strength, enhanced energy, and cardiovascular protection. But these benefits don’t come free of cost as you also would have to endure liver damage, liver toxicity, increased cancer risk, and insomnia. They may be few in number, but the side effects can potentially degrade your quality of life. Cardarine GW 501516 is not safe or legal for human use.
Seeing that the SARM was a walking health risk, CrazyBulk developed a natural alternative to counter the side effects that the SARM has. The formula here is a combination of nutrients and botanical extracts that can shift energy production and fat loss into gear.
- The inclusions are Vitamin C for antioxidant action, fat loss during exercise, and quicker muscle recovery.
- Iron which enables the muscle cells to create energy from nutrients, counter fatigue and boosting physical performance.
- Vitamin B2, which facilitates quick repair of muscle, tendons, and joints.
- Vitamin B6 is for the metabolism of amino acids, which aid muscle tissue growth and repair.
- Vitamin A is for enabling protein synthesis, breaking down proteins for muscle tissue repair, and boosting testosterone production.
- Iodine is added to improve the working of the thyroid gland, which boosts the metabolic rate of the body, enabling fat loss.
- Chromium can burn fat and build lean muscle mass at the same time and can also regulate blood glucose levels.
- Southern Ginseng increases stamina, endurance, and strength, which would help to improve athletic performance.
- Choline is needed to burn fat, turn it into usable energy, and stop clogging the liver with fat.
- InnoSlim® is a supplement in itself that facilitates the adiponectin levels and secretion in fat cells; it activates the AMPK reaction in muscles to burn fat and boosts energy levels.
- And, last but not least, Capsimax® is another supplement that uses thermogenesis to melt excess fat and stop further storage of fat cells.
Benefits of C-Dine 501516
- Quick and efficient fat loss
- Healthy Weight loss
- Uses fat as fuel
- Improves definition and shape
- Raises stamina, strength, and endurance
- Supports lean muscle gains
- Preserves existing muscle growth
- Supports quick recovery
- Curbs hunger pangs.
C-Dine 501516 benefits cover all the aspects of the cutting phase, and it helps to keep the hard-earned muscle intact and working to melt away the layer of fat. You only have to take 4 pills regularly, approximately 20 minutes before your first meal of the day.
Click to learn more about C-Dine 501516 and Get 1 Month FREE from the CrazyBulk Official Website.
CrazyBulk Ligan 4033 vs Ligandrol LGD 4033
This legal SARM alternative bears a resemblance to the effect produced by the SARM Ligandrol LGD 4033 and, hence, is the best alternative to Ligadrol LGD 4033. This is a versatile supplement that could be used for either bulking or cutting. That is why it features in both CrazyBulk SARMs Cutting and Bulking Stack. Formulated to naturally elevate testosterone levels, increase endurance and stamina, and boost energy levels, Ligan 4033 helps to push your workout regime to the extreme. During the cutting phase, this fitness aid preserves lean muscle tissue and promotes rapid muscle growth, while the other supplements work to melt the fat accumulated during the bulking phase.
Ligandrol LGD 4033 was created to improve bone tissue quality for those suffering from osteoporosis and also to build lean muscle tissue for those suffering from muscle-wasting diseases. One of the few SARMs that actually made it to human trials, Ligandrol was found to have a wide range of benefits for human use, but it is still in the research phase. The SARM attaches itself to androgen receptors in the bone and muscle tissues, where it facilitates muscle gain, boosts energy and strength, and improves the quality and size of the muscle. This explains why it became a popular feature in gym locker rooms. Also, small doses of the chemical go a long way, and the results manifest regardless of whether you exercise or not. Ligandrol is a SARM in every definition of the term, which is why the benefits you gain from the drug are countered by severe side effects. Benefits of the SARM include increased ability to gain muscle mass, rapid recovery, fat loss, increased bone density and strength, and enhanced body composition. The flip side is that you also have to deal with dry mouth, migraines, headaches, nausea, extreme fatigue, testosterone, SHBG, and FSH suppression, liver toxicity, and increased risk of cardiac arrests and strokes. Post-cycle therapy is a must. The use of Ligandrol can get you banned from professionally competing and is a health risk.
While the SARM biochemically changes the way your body functions (hence the side effects), CrazyBulk Ligan 4033 uses a natural component to enhance the body’s natural ability to burn fat and encourage lean muscle growth. This fitness aid uses:
- Vitamin D3, which promotes testosterone production, repair muscle, and tissue and increase calcium uptake.
- VitaCholine®, which is similar to choline discussed above.
- Methyl Sulfonyl Methane eases exercising and workouts by facilitating muscle contraction and relaxation, which reduces aches and pains.
- Beetroot can increase nitric oxide levels in the blood for improved circulation and ensure that the muscle has a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients.
- Caffeine Anhydrous for thermogenic fat burning, extra energy, and focus during your workout.
- And finally, Schisandra promotes muscle growth, reduces cortisol levels, and curbs the build-up of lactate, which hampers the recovery process.
Benefits of Ligan 4033
- Naturally lifts testosterone levels
- Promotes muscle-building
- Helps to reveal a lean and shaped physique
- Improves exercise performance
- Promotes energy production
- Enhances endurance
- Better muscle quality
- Could improve mood as well.
Ligan 4033 helps in preserving muscle tissue and burn fat thanks to the effects of more testosterone coursing through your body. All you have to do is take 4 capsules every day 20 minutes before your first meal.
Click to learn more about Ligan 4033 and Get 1 Month FREE from the CrazyBulk Official Website!
CrazyBulk Stena 9009 vs Stenabolic SR9009
Stena 9009 is a Stenabolic SR9009 alternative and is designed to be the ultimate cutting aid. Designed to up energy levels, rev metabolic rate, and significantly improve ATP production, Stena 9009 can help you with not just reducing body fat but also with preserving the muscle gains from the previous. This CrazyBulk fitness aid uses a combination of thermogenesis, increasing metabolic rate, and supporting efficient metabolism of the food you consume to get your body into the shape you deserve. Although Stena 9009 does not support lean muscle mass gains as much as Ligan 4033, it can fuel your workout sessions so that your muscles don’t get out of shape. It is a fat burner, much like the Stenabolic SR9009.
Stenabolic SR9009 is chemically designed to activate REV-ERB protein a – a protein present in the liver, fat cells, immune cells, and muscle and skeletal tissue, and plays a vital role in regulating the circadian rhythm and has several other psychological processes. Stenabolic is a chemical activator that activates the protein, which revs the metabolic rate and facilitates the burning of fat, thereby regulating the manufacture and storing of new fat stores. It also facilitates ‘dry gains,’ which makes the SARM a very popular addition to any cutting cycle. Stenabolic also increases the absorption and use of glucose, and when that runs out, it helps the body seamlessly switch to fat. In addition to using fat as the primary source of energy, it also increases the number of mitochondria in muscle tissues, which increases muscle strength, endurance, and energy output. Stenabolic SR9009 does not suppress the production of testosterone but can instead burn fat at a quicker rate, promote muscle growth, eliminate bad cholesterol, promote cardiovascular health, and improve sleep quality. These are only the good bits; there is a laundry list of adverse consequences, too, like increased water retention leading to gynecomastia, several headaches, disturbed sleep, insomnia, mental and physical issues stemming from sleep deprivation, and acne (not as prevalent.) Also, this SARM has not been through sufficient trials for human use.
Though the SARM has its uses, it is potentially dangerous as it is one of the few SARMs that have little to no research on its name. With the long-term consequences unknown, the obvious stop for CrazyBulk was to create an alternative to the Stenabolic. In addition to vitamins C and B3, Capsimax® and Beetroot, Stena 9009 includes the use of:
- Magnesium for stress relief, sleep, energy production, flexibility, quickened recovery and reflexes, and increased muscle strength.
- Alpha-lipoic acid for better delivery of nutrients to muscle cells, quicker recovery, and enhancing stamina.
- L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, which is an amino acid that acts as a fat burner, supports brain health and function and muscle gains.
- And in the end, it has L-Citrulline for eliminating the fatigue that comes from being on a calorie-deficit diet and improves athletic performance.
Benefits of Stena 9009
- Quick melting of body fat
- Increase in stamina and energy
- Boosts nitric oxide levels
- Better circulation
- Staves off fatigue
- Revs the metabolic rate
- Increases mitochondrial performance
- Quick recovery of muscles
- Reveals muscle mass.
The benefits of the natural option are very similar to that of the SARM it emulates. You only have to take 4 capsules on a daily basis 20 minutes before you start lifting, as recommended by the brand.
Click to learn more about Stena 9009 and Get 1 Month FREE from the CrazyBulk Official Website!
Why Buy the CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack?
SARMs work; there is no denying the fact that when it comes to improving muscle tone, size, quality, muscular endurance, and even pushing the limits to how much fat your body can lose – SARMs can do it quickly and effectively. Their efficacy would also explain why the use of SARMs for anabolic gains is so hard to eradicate. That being said, SARMs are dangerous, not just because of the side effects but also because there is little to no information about the long-term effects of SARM use. The reason that the chemicals are yet to be approved by the FDA is proof that there is something fundamentally unsafe about them that could potentially risk the longevity and/or quality of your life. You have to ask yourself if your health and life are worth more than the risk you take with SARMs.
Brands like CrazyBulk end this dilemma for you instantly. The CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack includes natural, safe, and potent replicas of the SARMs. They help you lose weight, eliminate muscle pain and aches, improve muscle tone, build muscle, and increase lean muscle mass while you cut. And this is done with the help of natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to work. The benefits are all there, so why choose a research chemical SARMs stack instead?
CrazyBulk has a range of products, and if the intention was simply marketing, the brand could have thrown any random products together, called it the best SARMs stack, and moved on with your money. But if you take a closer look at the stack, CrazyBulk has put together a combination of natural bulking agents and natural fat burners. The intention here was that while your body is shedding weight, it continues to build muscle size and quantity so that you have something to see at the end of it. Each formula in this stack is designed to cut and bulk simultaneously. Hence, it would be challenging to come across a naturally powerful combination of SARMs like this.
CrazyBulk products have no side effects whatsoever. That is the beauty of science and nature.
- Each of the ingredients included across the stack is clinically proven to promote anabolic gains without adverse effects.
- Each ingredient is safely but potently dosed.
- These supplements are safe because, unlike anabolic steroids or SARMs that artificially enhance and alter the way the body works, these natural options work with the body to improve and boost biological processes that are already in place. So, you would be using supplements that improve health, not hamper it.
- Any SARM you buy is marketed as a research chemical, not for human use – purity, concentration, and integrity of the product are dicey at best. On the contrary, each batch of the CrazyBulk stack is tested for quality and purity before being shipped out to you. As a result, you don’t have to worry about adjusting dosages based on the product you get.
- The monetary angle is another pro. The original SARMs cost a pretty penny, and if you plan on stacking them, you are going to create quite a dent in your wallet. The CrazyBulk SARMs stack is not cheap, but comparatively, it costs a lot less than the research drugs.
- The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack is designed not to chemically induce changes in the body. On the contrary, it is formulated to enhance the way you exercise, help you break plateaus, lose weight naturally, and gain lean muscle mass. This means that you would be building muscle the old-fashioned way but with a natural and legal push. This is why post-cycle therapy is not required for the CrazyBulk supplements.
How Do You Use the Crazybulk SARMs Stack for Cutting?
If you wish to start your cutting phase on the right note, you only need to follow the usage instructions on each formula. Because of the surge of nutrients coursing through your veins, you would feel the effects of the stack almost immediately. CrazyBulk does recommend that you continue the use of the cutting stack for at least 2 to 3 months to enjoy the full range of benefits.
To buy the SARM Cutting Stack, simply go to the Official Crazybulk Website, tap here! CrazyBulk does not market its products on third-party websites like Amazon, and neither would the product feature at your local CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens. The Stack is exclusively available only on the official website.
- A monthly supply of the stack would cost $209.99.
- If you wish to buy two months’ worth, you get a third month’s supply free for a price of $419.99.
- You save yet more when you buy a 3-month supply of the cutting stack for $629.99, and you get 2 months’ worth of product free.
- Fast and free shipping is available on all purchases, and CrazyBulk also offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee on your purchase in case you are not happy about your purchase.
Reviews by Users
Dante G. from Toronto, Canada.
“Oh, how ecstatic I am to share my experience with the CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack! This extraordinary product has transformed my weight loss journey into an absolute joyride and has helped me achieve the chiseled and shredded figure I’ve always dreamed of. This SARMs Stack is a legal alternative that allows you to experience the remarkable benefits of SARMs without actually using them. This aspect not only ensures peace of mind but also guarantees that you are on the right side of the law.”
Armani A. from Dubai, UAE.
“I have always struggled with losing excess body fat and getting the lean, sculpted physique I desire. That’s why I decided to give the SARMs Cutting Stack a try, and oh boy, am I impressed! This product is made using only natural ingredients, which was important to me as I didn’t want to rely on synthetic substances. Within weeks of using this stack, I noticed a significant decrease in body fat and an increase in muscle definition. The best part? It worked without the need for injections or cycling gear. Highly recommend it for anyone looking for a natural way to achieve their fitness goals!”
Edwin B. from Belfast, Ireland.
“One of the most remarkable effects of this CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack is its ability to put your metabolism into overdrive. Trust me when I say that I’ve never experienced such exhilarating fat-burning before. It’s almost as if I’ve switched my body into turbo mode, rapidly torching excess fat like a hot knife through butter. This ignited metabolism is truly a blessing for those seeking quick and noticeable results.”
Zyaire A. from Melbourne, Australia,
“CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack is specifically designed to help you cut and achieve a ripped physique in record time. I was astounded by the speedy transformation I witnessed in my body composition. The fat simply melted away, leaving behind a sculpted physique that I could not help but admire in the mirror. It’s safe to say that CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack knows the secret to unlocking your body’s full potential and delivering results like no other.”
Kameron P. from Las Angeles, United States of America.
“What I love most about CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack is how it effortlessly switches your body into fat-burning mode. With the Stack’s powerful formula, you’ll feel as if you have a personal fitness coach guiding you toward optimal fat burn. As someone who leads a busy lifestyle, this feature has become an absolute lifesaver for me. Whether it’s during intense workouts or even during rest, my body remains in fat burn mode, constantly working towards my weight loss goals.”
Jimena C. from Woodlands, Singapore.
“I have been using the CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack for a couple of weeks now, and I am blown away by the results. This product has completely transformed my cutting routine and helped me achieve that ripped physique I’ve always desired. The improvements in my muscle definition are simply mind-blowing. Not only does it help me to shed excess fat, but it also enhances my energy levels during workouts, allowing me to push harder and lift heavier weights. I love how easy it is to incorporate into my daily regimen, and the fact that it is gender-neutral makes it even better. If you’re serious about getting shredded, give this stack a try – you won’t be disappointed!”
Summary & Conclusion
Using pure SARM stacks for your cutting cycle is illegal, dangerous, and cumbersome. The side effects aside, you could be looking at a lifetime ban from professionally competing, and you would be putting your health at risk.
The CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack is a natural and safer alternative. Put together using the legal option of the most potent SARMs; this stack can help you melt fat, preserve muscle mass, improve body composition, and boost endurance and strength. By naturally enhancing the body’s ability to use fat as fuel and increase muscle size and quality, this natural SARMs stack is the better and safer option for your cutting needs. It is what we would recommend.
Transform your cutting to its maximum potential with CrazyBulk Cutting SARMs Stack!
Q1. Is the CrazyBulk any good?
Ans.: If reviews from customers are anything to go by, yes, they are very good indeed.
Q2. Is CrazyBulk a legitimate brand and website?
Ans.: Yes, the brand is a registered company with more than 509,389 bottles of product sold.
Q3. Does the cutting stack need to be cycled?
Ans.: It is recommended by the brand that you take a break of 1.5 weeks after 8 weeks on the stack. After the break, you can start the cycle again for another 8 weeks.
Q4. Is CrazyBulk FDA-approved?
Ans.: The CrazyBulk supplements are not approved by the FDA; dietary supplements are seldom regulated by the association. However, the products are manufactured in facilities that are FDA-approved.
Q5. Is it legal to use the Crazybulk Stack?
Ans.: All the products on the CrazyBulk website use natural and safe ingredients. They are 100% legal, and you could use them while professionally competing, too.