The Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet was introduced by Doctor Natasha Campbell-McBride. It is a form of strict elimination diet that promotes high fat, low carbohydrate, and low fiber consumption. This remedial diet targets gut health as well as the neurological and developmental health of the brain through the two-way communication system between the digestive system and the brain. The main target of the GAPS diet is to nourish, balance and improve gastrointestinal health in order to improve and bring balance to the psychological health of a person.
Table of Contents

Why are diets necessary? What diets are best suited for your gut?
Diets are a form of regulating your daily intake of calories and nutrition in the form of foods, beverages, and dietary supplements, explore the 10 Best Leaky Gut supplements that are currently trending. There are various types of diets and each has its own fields of specialization, claims, and research-based evidence. For example, weight loss diet plans are beneficial in promoting fast metabolism and fat loss. Certain diets are however not the traditional restrictive types of diet that are only aimed toward fat burning and weight loss.
Diet plans such as the GAPS diet aim toward promoting behavioural health, gut health, mental health as well as the physical and physiological health of the body. Such diet plans are much more research-based and scientifically backed with studies and clinical proof behind them. They also help your body realize its nutritional deficiencies and inconsistencies and help fulfill the body’s needs. Thereby, taking your physical, digestive, and mental health up by a notch. GAPS diet formulates a highly beneficial, anti-inflammatory, and extremely healing food plan that nourishes your gut, intestinal health, digestive system, and immune system. This process is done by the high probiotic and nutritional properties of this diet whichaid in repairing intestinal walls and the gaps and tears in the gut walls. This is called restoring the intestinal permeability of the intestines to stop the leakage of toxins, harmful gut bacteria, and pathogens in the bloodstream, which attacks the immune cells and may cause severe health disorders, digestive disorders, and even mental distress in the form of mental health disorders. And through the interlinking brain-gut axis, helps reduce inflammatory chronic illnesses, anxiety, depression, autism, attention deficit disorder, brain fog and chronic fatigue.
Diets that advise consuming less fiber and how do they help?
Dietary fibers are indigestible and are not recommended for a healing gut. It slows down the recovery period and can cause indigestion and inflammation. Diets like the GAPS diet and low residue diets focus on low fiber diets along with a moderated diet plan that consists of digestible and gut microbial-friendly nutrients and probiotics. They are also used to treat – inflammatory bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, and slow painful digestion.
GAPS Diet and the link between your gut, psychological and physiological health
The GAPS diet is formulated to target certain health issues in our gut and gut lining. More specifically, the leaky gut syndrome (LGS). It is a condition where the intestinal lining of the gut walls becomes torn from increased intestinal permeability. This increases the gaps in those stomach and intestinal walls and thereby creates this medical condition called the leaky gut. The gut is full of beneficial bacteria that help with normal digestion and smooth bowel movements. Alongside, a diverse and nutritionally enriched bacterial microbiome promotes better physical and mental health. The GAPS diet theory focuses on that scientifically backed claim and creates a diet that enriches and heals physiological and psychological health problems in people.
Conditions that the GAPS Diet target
A summary of what the GAPS diet targets?
- Heal the gut and gut flora.
- Prevent and protect against leaky gut syndrome.
- Prevent and reduce symptoms of autism through the gut-brain axis in young people.
- Restore mental health and cognitive functions by enriching the gut microbiota.
- Focus on the mental, physical and immune health developments through continuous intake of nutritionally rich and organic gut-friendly foods.
The GAPS Diet plan
The total time span required for GAPS diet to show effect is at least a year and a half, minimum and extends to almost 3 years at the max. The diet plan consists of three phases and several stages within those phases. The three phases are the –
- Elimination phase,
- Maintenance phase and
- The Reintroduction phase.
This diet plan aims at detoxifying the digestive tracts and the gut microbial composition and re-establishing the diverse flora in the gut. Which in turn helps the mental and brain functions to perform better. As several collective studies have shown the links between a bad gut microbiome and mental conditions like autism, we can conclude that keeping the gut diverse and healthy may just be the solution to improved physical, immune and mental health conditions. It goes according to the saying of Hippocrates that the gut is the root cause of all illnesses. GAPS diet aims to focus on such ideology and research studies that support the fact that the gut links to your psychological functioning and very effectively affects the nerves and brains.
GAPS Diet Food List; What foods are allowed?
Foods that are advocated under the GAPS diet are –

- Almond butter or oil
- Apples
- Apricots
- Artichoke
- Avocados or avocado oil
- Yellow ripe bananas
- Berries, all kinds
- Black, white, red, and cayenne pepper
- Cheeses that are – Asiago, Blue, Brick, Brie, Camembert, Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Gorgonzola, Gouda, Havarti, Limburger, Monterey Jack, Muenster, Parmesan, Port du Salut, Roquefort, Stilton, Swiss, Romano, Uncreamed cottage cheese (dry curd)
- Cherimoya or Sharifa
- Cherries
- Cinnamon
- Citric acid
- Coconut
- Coconut milk that is homemade and fresh
- Coconut oil
- Collard greens
- Fresh or dried coriander
- Cucumber
- Dates
- Dill
- Eggs
- Fresh fish
- Garlic
- Ginger root
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Herbal teas
- Herbs
- Fresh honey
- Freshly pressed juices
- Kiwi
- Lemons
- Lentils
- Limes
- Mangoes
- Meats – Beef, Lamb or Pork
- Melons
- Mushrooms
- Mustard seeds
- Nuts – all kinds and not roasted or salted, like – Almond, Brazil, Cashew, Chestnut, Hazelnut, Peanut, Pecan, Pine, Walnut
- Virgin cold-pressed olive oil
- Vegetables like – Onions, Spinach, Squash, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Lettuce, Lima beans, Kale, Eggplant (aubergine), Cauliflower, Celery, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Butter Cabbage, Carrots, Beets or beetroot, Asparagus, Peas, Peppers
- Oranges
- Papayas
- Parsley
- Peaches
- Peanut butter with no additives
- Pears
- Pineapples
- Poultry – Chicken, Turkey, Duck or Goose
- Prunes
- Occasional Shellfish
- Tangerines
- Tomatoes
- Dry Wine
- Homemade and fresh yogurt.
What foods to avoid?
The list of foods that you should avoid on a GAPS diet is huge and contains more than 50 items. It is definitely a restrictive diet and on the list of what foods to avoid, here are some of them:

- Agar-agar
- Agave syrup
- Algae
- Aloe Vera
- Amaranth
- Apple juice
- Arrowroot
- Astragalus
- Baked beans
- Baker’s yeast
- Baking powder,
- Raising agents of all kind
- Balsamic vinegar
- Flour
- Beer
- Bitter Gourd
- Bologna
- Bouillon
- Brandy
- Buckwheat
- Butter beans
- Cannellini beans
- Canned fruit or vegetables
- Cereals
- Cheese – processed or cheese spreads
- Chestnut flour
- Chewing gum
- Chickpeas
- Chicory root
- Chocolate
- Canned Cocoa powder
- Coffee
- Corn
- Corn-starch
- Corn syrup
- Cream of Tartar
- Fish (canned and preserved)
- Grain flour
- FOS (fructooligosaccharides)
- Canned foods or preserved fruits
- Garbanzo beans
- Grains
- Ham
- Hot dogs
- Commercial Ice-cream
- Canned jams or jellies with additives
- Maple Syrup
- Margarines or butter replacements
- Processed, preserved, smoked or salted Meat
- Buttermilk
- Soy
- Rice
- Molasses
- Too much nuts of any kind, salted, roasted or coated
- Quinoa
- Rice
- Seaweed
- Soda
- Commercial sour cream
- Sugar or sucrose or artificial sweeteners
- Tapioca Tea
- Commercial yogurt
What beverages are allowed?
Herbal teas, weak coffee that is not made from instant coffees, dry wine, white wine, GAPS juices, GAPS milkshakes, GAPS vegetable juices, and freshly made drinks that do not include soda, artificial sweeteners, and additives are allowed. Milk is also allowed; however, it should only be introduced after the initial stage of the GAPS diet. The plans, stages, and protocols of the GAPS diet are explained below.
What is the GAPS Diet plan and protocol?
The GAPS Introduction Diet Stage: Elimination
It is recommended that one must follow the introduction diet phase or the gut healing phase before diving into the full GAPS diet. It may take up to 1 year and is the most restrictive diet. It eliminates all forms of starchy carbs in one’s diet and introduces healthier nutrients for your gut microbiota health.
- Stage 1
Consume homemade broth, probiotic foods, kefir, yogurt, ginger, mild teas or herbal teas, boiled meat and fresh fish, fermented vegetables, and purified water. - Stage 2
Consume raw organic egg yolks, vegetable and meat stews, homemade ghee, meat and vegetable casseroles, and fermented fish. - Stage 3
Follow the dietary requirements of both previous stages, and add to the mix – sauerkraut and fermented vegetables, avocado, GAPS supplements, GAPS pancakes, avocado, goose, or duck fat. - Stage 4
Follow the dietary requirements of all the previous stages, and add to the mix – roasted and grilled meats, GAPS milkshake, GAPS bread, freshly pressed carrot juice, cold-pressed olive oil, and vegetable juice. - Stage 5
Include in your diet – cooked apple puree, pressed fresh fruit juice, peeled and raw vegetables like cucumbers and lettuces, raw fruit slices (only a little), and absolutely no citrus. - Stage 6
Increase raw fruit and honey consumption, introduce citrus and enjoy some freshly baked (preferably homemade) goods with dried fruits.
The full GAPS diet phase: Maintenance
The full GAPS phase takes another full year and during this period, it is advised to focus on these foods:
- Fresh meat
- Animal fats
- Fish
- Shellfish
- Organic eggs
- Fermented foods
- Vegetables
- Probiotic foods
- Natural fats
- A small and moderate amount of nuts
- GAPS recipes of baked goods (most preferably with nut flour)
The Reintroduction Phase
After the entire elimination and maintenance phase is over, which may take up to 2 years or 2 and a half years maximum, you can slowly start reintroducing other types of foods into your body. Introduce the newer foods in small amounts till your stomach is used to those and can handle generous amounts. Begin your reintroduction of food journey with fermented grains (gluten-free), potatoes, starchy vegetables, grains, and beans. It is best advised to fully avoid processed and canned foods and refined carbs.
What lifestyle changes does the GAPS Diet ask you to follow?
Following a diet is simply not enough for your body, immune system, gut, and mental health to properly restore and heal. A successful diet must be paired with certain healthy lifestyle changes.
Tobacco and alcohol
As per what the GAPS Theory, tobacco, drugs, and alcohol are substances that should not be consumed more than a minimum count. Better if such substances are not introduced in the body at all. They hinder the growth of neurological development and brain functions. They haze the brain and affect cognitive functions negatively. Aside from that, it plays a role in disrupting the natural gut microbiome and may wreak havoc on the various organs, tissues and blood cells.
Prescription Medication
GAPS diet follows a strong belief that most prescribed medications, especially antibiotics, are insufficient and not necessary for the body. In fact, they might destroy the gut flora and the immune response system of the body.
However, as an advice to those thinking of starting with GAPS diet – Do not stop your daily usage of prescribed medications without first consulting licensed healthcare professionals and doctors.
Active lifestyles, as compared to inactive lifestyles, are much more helpful and more inclined to be successful in providing benefits from any diet plans and positive lifestyle changes. Even a solid 15 to 30 minutes daily workout with 5 minutes interval gaps in between each set is bound to reward both your physical and mental health. However, remember to stick to easy routines as a beginner and build your way up. Do not try to overwork all at once, as it may lead to tissue tears, cramps, indigestion, inflammation and muscle burns.
Stress contributes as a major factor behind many mental health problems, autoimmune diseases and illnesses including chronic fatigue, increased intestinal permeability, leaky gut syndrome, anxiety, attention disorders and brain fog, among lots of other tiring and painful symptoms. So, try to minimize stress by adopting a few stress management techniques.
Sleep and diet are intimately connected. A great diet with a poor sleeping schedule would only result in long energy recovery periods and frequent energy loss. It has been scientifically proven that sleep offers our brain health time to reset and restore its functions and nutritional requirements. Well-rested sleep for at least a solid undisturbed 7 to 8 hours every night further helps our cognitive functions to work more efficiently and allows muscle tissues, gut health, and mental health to heal properly.
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Benefits of the GAPS Diet

The benefits of this diet have been explained as due to an interlinking between the gut microbiome and intestinal health and the mental and neuro-developmental health of our brain. Here are some of the most common and backed-up claims of benefits:
- The focus on improving bacterial flora in the gut microbiota through probiotics and prebiotics helps the gut microbiome restore and refurbish. It is scientifically backed and highly recommended to include probiotics in your daily diet.
- Gut microbial imbalances that lead to complex behavioral problems, cognitive disorders, imbalance hormones, and even autism can be restored and healed through the anti-inflammatory and healing nutritional properties of the GAPS diet and probiotic supplements, read more about the best probiotic supplements that can help in improving gut health.
- This diet can eliminate early symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- The elimination diet procedure helps the gut and digestive health in helping bowel movements, gastrointestinal disorders, leaky gut syndrome, and more.
- It helps strengthen the immune system.
- Provides precaution and protection against increased intestinal permeability and stops the release of harmful toxins, chemical components, pathogens, free radicals, and bacteria into the blood streams. Therefore, successfully preventing inflammation, tissue damage, physical health deterioration, cramps, arthritis, heart burns, heartaches, cardiovascular health disorders, and more.
- It has been proven to stop the risks of Type 2 diabetes.
- It helps your body lead an active and healthy lifestyle that helps you grow and develop at both physical and mental levels.
- It may promote healthy weight loss and fat burning.
- GAPS diet positively affects your sleep patterns and promotes undisturbed and healthy sleeping schedules.
GAPS Supplements that you absolutely need!
Here are some dietary supplement recommendations that can 100% help with proper diet benefits.
- Probiotics
- Essential fatty acids
- Cod liver oil
- Vitamins and minerals
- Digestive enzymes
Side effects of the GAPS Diet
Here are some of the most important things you should keep in mind.
- There might be a slight chance for your body to feel feverish after the first week.
- Constipation for a short period as your digestive system might need some more time to get fully introduced and used to this diet.
- The process of gut detoxification might cause your brain functions to jumble up and cause mental fuzziness for a short span of a few days as your body takes time to slowly familiarize with this diet type.
- Strong cravings and emotional imbalance might occur as this diet crosses out a lot of comfort food items and convenient easy snacks or emotionally comforting foods. This might be hard for an emotionally drained or tired person to follow without feeling bitterness or frustration.
Model of a GAPS Diet meal plan for a day
Start your day with this plan if you want to give GAPS diet meal plan model a try for a day –
Begin your day with early morning fresh and light serving of any of the following:
- A refreshing drink of lemon water
- Kefir
- Pressed fresh fruit juice (homemade)
- Pressed vegetable juice (homemade carrot juice should be one of the first juices to be introduced in a GAPS diet).
Breakfast must be something fulfilling and wholesome for you to start off your day with renewed energy. Try any of these delicious recipes:
- GAPS pancakes (Try the simple nut butter, eggs and fresh organic winter squash blend pancake recipe.)
- Homemade yogurt with organic milk with 2 cups of mixed fresh organic berries.
- Frittata with fresh zucchini, bacon, avocado and bone broth, read why bone broth is beneficial for a leaky gut.
- A cup of broth with roasted pumpkin and sauerkraut.
- Poached eggs with avocado.
- Celeriac hash browns with bacon, spinach, and kale.
- Avocado green smoothies.
- Pair your breakfast with a drink of freshly squeezed orange juice, lemon and ginger tea, and ginger tea with honey.
For lunch try one of these easy homemade recipes:
- Creamy tomato soup with shredded chicken, coconut milk, and broth.
- Chicken or beef ragu with roast vegetable salad.
- Pan-seared scallops.
- Meat stock curry with keto meatloaf.
- Shepherd’s pie with lots of greens and cauliflowers.
- Probiotic foods and recipes, if your stomach can tolerate fermented and probiotics, like – kimchi, kombucha, kefir, etc.
- Turmeric chicken wings with sauteed or steamed greens.
Dinner to end the day on a healthy note. Try any of the following:
- Slow cooker lamb stew.
- Slow cooker beef pot roast.
- Homemade vegetable soup with beef/chicken/vegan stock.
- A generous portion of probiotic food like kefir, kombucha, kimchi, etc.
- Creamy asparagus soup with probiotics – yogurt and fennel.
- Spaghetti Bolognese with broccoli and squash.
- Steamed mussels and roast chicken.
- Thai chicken curry.
- Baked salmon.
- Sides include – fermented foods, sweet potato toast, celeriac chips, cauliflower mash, zucchini muffins etc.
Wellbeing tips for healthy eating!
- Do not consume fruits or fruit juices with meat dishes. Otherwise, mixing fruits with meat dishes can result in indigestion and stomach aches.
- Try to use only organic and fresh food ingredients for your dishes.
- Consume healthy fats like butter, ghee, meat, olive oil, etc.
- A cup of bone broth should be added to every meal.
- Avoid canned and processed foods and even ingredients like coconut milk, tomato puree, juice, stock, fruits, etc.
- Fermented foods should be an important part of all meals.
- Try to include more probiotic foods if your digestive system can handle them.
- GAPS supplements are also helpful in providing your body with necessary nutrients and refurbishing gut microbiota.
- Avoid particularly refined carbs and preservatives.
- It is wise to keep continuing a gluten-free diet.
Eating healthy snacks to fulfill your cravings:
- Satisfy your sweet tooth with coconut banana bread.
- Healthy kale chips with spices, garlic powder, and olive oil.
- Celery sticks and carrot sticks with savory and sweet dipping like garlic aioli and peanut butter.
- Zucchini muffins.
- Organic fruits.
- Homemade yogurts.
- Herbal tea.
- Dry wine.
Precautions: Who should not follow the GAPS Diet plan?
Although this diet is specifically engineered to target young adults and children, this diet may prove to be insufficient for physiological growth and development in them. It is also an unsatisfactory diet plan for toddlers and children. It puts bans and restrictions on a lot of foods that many children and teens all across the globe are accustomed to and fond of. It might be frustrating for both the parents and children in trying to enforce the GAPS diet. Young children and babies should not be exposed to such diets at all, without expert opinions from medicinal practitioners.
Those who are under strict medicinal prescription or medical supervision, they must take their doctor’s advice before beginning any diet.
Pregnant women and breastfeeding adults should also contact physicians and take medical advice before starting any diet.
Conclusion: Critics, research, and our observation
There have been many instances where continuous and consistent following of the GAPS Diet has yielded noticeable and wonderfully positive responses to behavioral, mental, and overall health. There are certain differences in the time period one may take to have their gut health get used to this diet through the introductory period. Some may require more time than usual, as per the severity of their psychological conditions. And as many reports and surveys suggest, this diet has suited the needs and health requirements of maximum users.
However, critics are an important and common part of any research, ideology, hypothesis, or technology. Therefore, it is not uncommon to come across criticisms and claims of dubious results. Here are what the critics have to say, in a summary –
- There has not been much research conducted yet to support all of the claims of benefits.
- Certain studies that researched groups of kids with autism, half of whom were following the GAPS diet and the other half were not, came to the established conclusion that little improvement was shown in the case of those who follow the GAPS diet.
- Certain studies show that the GAPS diet may not work equally for all.
- It takes a long amount of time to get your body used to such restrictive dietary plans.
- Daily and continuous consumption of bone broth results in an unhealthy intake of lead which is toxic.
- It may result in malnourishment and unhealthy pangs of hunger and extremely unhealthy weight loss due to it being an extremely restrictive diet.
- It excludes several nutritionally enriched foods which fall under the federal guidelines for healthy eating at both universal and U.S. levels.
- It is expensive and hard to afford for many people.
- It may give less-than-desired and unhealthy results amongst the young children and the targeted population.
Sources from: